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ForumsJedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith Editing Forum → Kwik questions (force_morality/alignment)...
Kwik questions (force_morality/alignment)...
2005-07-05, 3:49 PM #1
The stock items.DAT lists these two bins:
force_morality            74            -40     40      0x000
alignment                 75            -100   100      0x000

Which one identifies "True to the Light Side/Seduced by the Dark Side" and is -100 or -40 Light Side or Dark Side...?

Any help much appreciated.


2005-07-05, 5:54 PM #2
If I remember correctly, the text string displayed is based on a string within "ui/jkstrings.uni" file, with the actual descision logic being based on what you place as the next "goto" level label within "episode.jk"... :)

However, as I've just got back from a night out, then you'll have to wait until the morning before I check this for sure :p

Hope this info helps (until a time when I'm more sober ;)) :D


PS: Oh - as a late edit, 74/75 are the bin inventory numbers, whilst, -40/-100 are the minimum values for the bin and 40/100 are the maximum number for the bins. This is only significant with regard to the issue that each spawning of a civilian in a level increments the pedstrian counter by one upon creation (bin 73 in JK) and increases the morality by one (bin 72 in JK) upon the civilian being killed by the player :).
"lucky_jackpot is the smily god..." -gothicX
"Life is mostly froth and bubble, but two things stand in stone,
Kindness in another's trouble, courage in your own"
- "Ye Wearie Wayfarer"
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2005-07-06, 7:21 AM #3
Thanx 4 the reply...!

It sure sounds like a complicated bunch o' muck, though...


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