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ForumsJedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith Editing Forum → UGMod menu system
UGMod menu system
2006-06-18, 10:21 AM #1
Ok, I don't know if this will generate any interest at all, but nevertheless:

I've picked up the UGMod project. It's basically a JK gameplay modification, which makes it possible to play the popular gameplay modes ctf, domination and bountyhunt in regular JK deathmatch levels and with a lot of additional third party mods active at the same time (think ctf@canyon oasis with SBX).

Well, I'm now designing the menu system that controls all the provided options, and some input on it's structure/funtionality would be cool. Visit this topic on the JKHub or post your comments here.

Some limits of the system:
- the menu should be host-only controlled
- a maximum number of 4 menus with 10 items should not be surpassed
- menu items can only have discrete values
- maximum number of values per menu item is 12
k: kills, d: deaths, s: selfkills
red: team1, blue: team2, yellow: team3, green: team4, gray: neutral

General options:
- score limit:          10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 (default 100)
- time limit (minutes): 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, 120 (default 0)
- kill bonus:           0 - 10 (default 1)
- death malus:          0 - 10 (default 1)
- suicide malus:        0 - 10 (default 1)
- score formula:        k, k-d, k-d-s, k/d, (k-s)/d (default k-d-s)
- bountyhunt:           on, off (default off)
- bounty bonus:         0 - 10 (default 1)

Teamplay options:
- teamplay:             on, off (default on)
- player1 team:         1 - 4 (default 1)
- player2 team:         1 - 4 (default 1)
- player3 team:         1 - 4 (default 2)
- player4 team:         1 - 4 (default 2)
- player5 team:         1 - 4 (default 3)
- player6 team:         1 - 4 (default 3)
- player7 team:         1 - 4 (default 4)
- player8 team:         1 - 4 (default 4)

CTF options:
- steal score:          0 - 10 (default 1)
- capture score:        0 - 10 (default 5)
- return score:         0 - 10 (default 1)
- current color:        red, blue, yellow, green, gray (default red)
- place flag post
- place capture base
- place respawn point
- remove object

Domination options:
- dom. score:           0 - 10 (default 3)
- dom. interval (sec):  1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 (default 10)
- capture timer (sec):  0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 (default 0)
- place domination post
- remove object
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)
2006-06-18, 3:51 PM #2
If anyone needs any convincing: This is seriously one of the coolest mods for JK. I personally put this above mods like JKR/E, and SG1 simply for the fact that it's a GAMEPLAY ENHANCEMENT. Not a funfest of different cool effects to make your game look pretty. It's simply a further expansion of the game. That's truly admirable, making this one of my favorite pet mods for JK. Please folks, if you can help out: Baby Jesus would love you.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-06-18, 4:21 PM #3
well i would help, but ya'll know how useless i am at cogs and cool ideas :(
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-06-19, 1:55 AM #4
Thanks for the praise, it's a big motivation boost.

BTW: If all goes well, it will work together with SG1 and other mods (as long as they don't use item_redkey.cog).

I actually forgot some necessary things in my structure above. I mean, you should be able to start a match, no ;)?

So I have to make 5 menus (which will be a pain vector-wise, but yeah, it can't be avoided):
k: kills, d: deaths, s: selfkills
red: team1, blue: team2, yellow: team3, green: team4, gray: neutral

General options:
- score limit:          10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 (default 100)
- time limit (minutes): 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, 120 (default 0)
- global ghostmode:     on/off (default on)
- start the match

Deathmatch options:
- kill bonus:           0 - 10 (default 1)
- death malus:          0 - 10 (default 1)
- suicide malus:        0 - 10 (default 1)
- score formula:        k, k-d, k-d-s, k/d, (k-s)/d (default k-d-s)
- bountyhunt:           on, off (default off)
- bounty bonus:         0 - 10 (default 1)

Teamplay options:
- teamplay:             on, off (default on)
- current player:       1 - 16 (default (player_num + 1)/ 2)
- player's team:        1 - 4 (default 1)
- ghost mode:           on, off (default on)
- destroy player

CTF options:
- steal score:          0 - 10 (default 1)
- capture score:        0 - 10 (default 5)
- return score:         0 - 10 (default 1)
- current color:        red, blue, yellow, green, gray (default red)
- place flag post
- place capture base
- place respawn point
- remove object

Domination options:
- dom. score:           0 - 10 (default 3)
- dom. interval (sec):  1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 (default 10)
- capture timer (sec):  0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 (default 0)
- place domination post
- remove object

I might include a sixth menu, which will give some control over powerup placement in the level (think deactivation of concrifle or supershield). But yeah, we'll see how far I get.

BTW: I don't know much about regular ctf cogging. I guess it's going to mess with my code, so that it will not work in ctf levels, right?
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)

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