I'm messing around with static.jkl, trying to edit the reeyees. I change their templates, and either it has no effect or it works but crashes.
I want to change the speed of their bullets, and for some reason this is escaping me.
Some general template questions:
Say I want to edit an existing weapon, can I simply copy its template and change the details, or do I need to change the name of it and then change the template the cog uses?
Do I need to explicitly (ie include in static.jkl) all of the template definitions that get used in whatever template I want to edit? Say I'm messing with +bryarbolt, then do I need to paste in the definitions of _weapon and _explosion?
Whats with the # of templates at the top? Do I need to count how many new templates I add and adjust this number? What if I'm just redefining an existin template instead of adding one? Is there a limit to how many templates I can add? It doesn't seem to crash on me when I change the number, so I can't figure out wtf it's for.
Is this the right approach for editing details about the AI? Like, if I want to change how fast the reeyees move, can I just edit their maxthrust? Or do I need to edit the level? I can make some of them move faster, but then it crashes on me when I try to respawn, and on top of that, it only affects the black ones with blasters, if I try to overwrite the brown ones it crashes.
I've been testing and fiddling and I can't seem to figure out the rules. I've managed to overwrite the blasterbolt, but I can't overwrite the +eblaster, which I guess is what the reeyees use, and then on top of that, I can't figure out what cog handles their firing code, I'm beginning to suspect it's hard coded.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
I want to change the speed of their bullets, and for some reason this is escaping me.
Some general template questions:
Say I want to edit an existing weapon, can I simply copy its template and change the details, or do I need to change the name of it and then change the template the cog uses?
Do I need to explicitly (ie include in static.jkl) all of the template definitions that get used in whatever template I want to edit? Say I'm messing with +bryarbolt, then do I need to paste in the definitions of _weapon and _explosion?
Whats with the # of templates at the top? Do I need to count how many new templates I add and adjust this number? What if I'm just redefining an existin template instead of adding one? Is there a limit to how many templates I can add? It doesn't seem to crash on me when I change the number, so I can't figure out wtf it's for.
Is this the right approach for editing details about the AI? Like, if I want to change how fast the reeyees move, can I just edit their maxthrust? Or do I need to edit the level? I can make some of them move faster, but then it crashes on me when I try to respawn, and on top of that, it only affects the black ones with blasters, if I try to overwrite the brown ones it crashes.
I've been testing and fiddling and I can't seem to figure out the rules. I've managed to overwrite the blasterbolt, but I can't overwrite the +eblaster, which I guess is what the reeyees use, and then on top of that, I can't figure out what cog handles their firing code, I'm beginning to suspect it's hard coded.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.