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ForumsJedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith Editing Forum → 3do Help
3do Help
2007-07-16, 10:41 PM #1
I have all the textures, replaced them on the 3do, and put it into the level (with a template, of course). I can't seem to get it working though... The enemy fires at me and speaks, but when I turn to look at it, the game crashes. I've come to the conclusion that my model is causing it. It's a slightly modified Imperial Officer -- having a fat belly. Maybe it screwed up the keys? I don't know.

Would anybody be willing to make an imperial officer with a fat belly and slap on my textures for me?
2007-07-17, 4:03 AM #2
Used to happen to me all the time when I would modify 3dos, can't remember why though.
Dreams of a dreamer from afar to a fardreamer.
2007-07-17, 4:50 AM #3
If you have modified the 3do, then the 3do file itself is the problem. Search this forum for "model" or "joke" to find out more. Also, look through the 3do tutorials to make sure you checked everything.

No, I will not make the 3do for you; I am not experienced with making models.

2007-07-17, 10:26 PM #4
Now I've made the model, and it doesn't crash the game! Here's the bad news. I don't know how this is possible, but when I am far enough away from the model, it shows the unmodified, original 3do. It literally changes shape and textures and vice versa. What do I do?
Btw, I couldn't find JOKE anywhere for download, so I used JK3do.
2007-07-17, 10:52 PM #5
Is it maybe a problem with solid colored mats? They used to crash my 3dos...
Oh, and the model changing could be due to know, JK models actually contains a whole set of models, each one less detailed than the next, so it can switch to another one at distance (because it doesn't make sense to render polygons that are smaller than a pixel).
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)
2007-07-18, 5:12 AM #6
Try actually looking, next time.

2007-07-18, 8:59 PM #7
The only program out right now that exports reliable 3dos is JED or ZED. So, do a quick import/export out of JED. Jed also only exports the first LOD, so that should get rid of your shape changing problem.
Jedi Knight Enhanced
Freelance Illustrator
2007-07-19, 12:48 PM #8
Thanks. Now I'm getting somewhere. The model works fine.

Here's a new problem. I want a stormtrooper to throw grenades, so I delete his gun from the model. I tested to see if the model would work with the normal stormtrooper template in the game, and the model was all screwy. Sounds like a .pup file error, but I don't know how to fix it. What now?
2007-07-19, 3:32 PM #9
Read tutorials about 3dos, keys, and pup files.

2007-07-20, 3:25 AM #10
I wrote a tutorial to replace enemy weapons. It's for making a stormtrooper have a conc rifle, but the principle is the same. I'll see if geocities still has it up.


Damn, it's still up.
Read through that, it should give you the general idea of what to do.

For what you're doing though, it might be easier to edit one of the MP models...
I had a partial tut for making MP player models into single player enemies, but I never got around to finishing it... I started writing them after JK editing had slowed down. Should have wrote them at the peak of it's editing when I got all that stuff working like dual sabers and dual weapon wielding. Damn the were sexy for the time, but I wanted to keep the methods secret until I released the project I was using them for. :(
2007-07-20, 2:45 PM #11
Thanks for that tutorial, Stormtrooper. Looks very helpful! Sounds like you have some amazing knowledge you can share with me. That will solve the weapon problem. Pretty sure I can get through it, but it will take some time.
I can't seem to find a PUP file tutorial around, so I'll keep studying LEC's files and the JK Specs I suppose. I have the KEY files ready. If you know of a good tutorial or have some experience, let me know.
2007-07-20, 3:07 PM #12
pup files are just text files that tell JK what .key animation to play with certain actions like walk, run, etc..
The pup file also designates the node of the 3do where the weapon is put and where the lightsaber blade shows on the player and the darkjedi.
2007-07-20, 10:21 PM #13
Awesome tutorial. I got a concussion rifle working with the stormtrooper with no prob. My next obstacle is getting the thermal detonator placed in his hand. (Remember, I want the stormie to throw a grenade.) I have the detonator.3do imported into the stormtrooper.3do, but once I have the det placed right in JOKE, it doesn't show right in PuppetJedi. Also, my keys do nothing when I replace them. Stuck again...
2007-07-21, 4:04 PM #14
Hah! My keys were actually working the whole time, but they were too blazingly fast to see (slaps myself). But one problem still remains: while the firing animation key works, he doesn't fire. I have the template set up right. It does work, however, when he uses his normal firing animation key. I hope you know the answer, cuz I sure don't.

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