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ForumsJedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith Editing Forum → help
2001-06-24, 2:31 PM #1
I need help making the raildet shoot more than one grenade liek maybe 6 or 7 help please....

If You Unlesh My Power I Will Destroy You.
2001-06-24, 3:04 PM #2
Just copy its fire projectile line and paste it under the original one.
Gravity isn't MY fault--I voted for velcro.
2001-06-24, 3:08 PM #3
Okay thanks umm like this

or is it diff

If You Unlesh My Power I Will Destroy You.
2001-06-24, 3:25 PM #4
Not the one in the symbols section. The one in the Fire section of the code.
Gravity isn't MY fault--I voted for velcro.
2001-06-24, 3:35 PM #5
okay i don't understand could you write a cog for me on here so i can see it...if so thanks if not htanks for trying to help me i learnt something hopefully

If You Unlesh My Power I Will Destroy You.
2001-06-24, 3:50 PM #6
Open up the weap_raildet cog and do a search for this line,

rail = FireProjectile(player, projectile[mode], fireSound, 18, '0.0214 0.15 0.00', '0 0 0', 1.0, 0x20, autoAimFOV, autoAimFOV*2);

When you find it, simply copy it and paste it under the original line

[This message has been edited by Boba Rhett (edited June 24, 2001).]
Gravity isn't MY fault--I voted for velcro.
2001-06-24, 9:00 PM #7
Here ...

for(i=0; i=<7; i=i+1)
FireProjectile(bla bla);
2001-06-25, 4:29 AM #8
HERE copy and Past this over your entire rail det script.. open it up and just past this over the entire thing....

# Jedi Knight Cog Script
#Number 7 Auto-Grenade Launcher
#Requested By Xyloid
#Here You GO!
# [YB & CYW]
# (C) 2001 Spawn All Rights Reserved


model povModel=rldv.3do local
model weaponMesh=rldg.3do local
sound mountSound=RailChargeArm01.WAV local
sound dismountSound=PutWeaponAway01.wav local
sound fireSound=concuss5.WAV local
sound outSound=RailChargeEmpty01.WAV local

thing player local

keyframe mountAnim=RldVmnt.key local
keyframe dismountAnim=RldVdis.key local
keyframe povfireAnim=RldVpst1.key local
keyframe holsterAnim=kyhlstr.key local

template projectile=+grenade1 local
template projectile2=+grenade2 local
template flash=+whitecloud local

thing rail local

flex fireWait=0.5 local
flex powerBoost local
flex autoAimFOV=25 local
flex autoAimMaxDist=5 local
flex holsterWait local

keyframe railAnim=rld0anim.key local

int trackID=-1 local
int mode local
int holsterTrack local

int selectMode=1 local

message activated
message deactivated
message selected
message deselected
#message newplayer
message autoselect
message fire
message timer


# ========================================================================================


player = GetSourceRef();
mode = GetSenderRef();

// Check that the player is still alive.
if(GetThingHealth(player) <= 0)

// Check Ammo - If we are out, autoselect best weapon.
if(GetInv(player, 15) < 1.0)
PlaySoundThing(outSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80);
if(GetAutoSwitch() & 1)
SelectWeapon(player, AutoSelectWeapon(player, 1));

jkPlayPOVKey(player, povfireAnim, 1, 0x38);
SetPOVShake('0.0 -.01 0.0', '4.0 0.0 0.0', .05, 80.0);
randVec1 = VectorSet((Rand()-0.5)*5, (Rand()-0.5)*5, 0.0);
randVec2 = VectorSet((Rand()-0.5)*5, (Rand()-0.5)*5, 0.0);
randVec3 = VectorSet((Rand()-0.5)*5, (Rand()-0.5)*5, 0.0);
randVec4 = VectorSet((Rand()-0.5)*5, (Rand()-0.5)*5, 0.0);
randVec5 = VectorSet((Rand()-0.5)*5, (Rand()-0.5)*5, 0.0);
randVec5 = VectorSet((Rand()-0.5)*5, (Rand()-0.5)*5, 0.0);
randVec7 = VectorSet((Rand()-0.5)*5, (Rand()-0.5)*5, 0.0);
randVec8 = VectorSet((Rand()-0.5)*5, (Rand()-0.5)*5, 0.0);
randVec9 = VectorSet((Rand()-0.5)*5, (Rand()-0.5)*5, 0.0);
randVec10 = VectorSet((Rand()-0.5)*5, (Rand()-0.5)*5, 0.0);
dummy = FireProjectile(player, projectile, firesound, 18, '0.02 0.15 0.0', randVec1, 1.0, 0x20, autoAimFOV, autoAimMaxDist);
dummy = FireProjectile(player, projectile, -1, 18, '0.02 0.15 0.0', randVec2, 1.0, 0x20, autoAimFOV, autoAimMaxDist);
dummy = FireProjectile(player, projectile, -1, 18, '0.02 0.15 0.0', randVec2, 1.0, 0x20, autoAimFOV, autoAimMaxDist);
dummy = FireProjectile(player, projectile, -1, 18, '0.02 0.15 0.0', randVec3, 1.0, 0x20, autoAimFOV, autoAimMaxDist);
dummy = FireProjectile(player, projectile, -1, 18, '0.02 0.15 0.0', randVec4, 1.0, 0x20, autoAimFOV, autoAimMaxDist);
dummy = FireProjectile(player, projectile, -1, 18, '0.02 0.15 0.0', randVec5, 1.0, 0x20, autoAimFOV, autoAimMaxDist);
dummy = FireProjectile(player, projectile, -1, 18, '0.02 0.15 0.0', randVec2, 1.0, 0x20, autoAimFOV, autoAimMaxDist);
dummy = FireProjectile(player, projectile, -1, 18, '0.02 0.15 0.0', randVec3, 1.0, 0x20, autoAimFOV, autoAimMaxDist);
dummy = FireProjectile(player, projectile, -1, 18, '0.02 0.15 0.0', randVec4, 1.0, 0x20, autoAimFOV, autoAimMaxDist);
dummy = FireProjectile(player, projectile, -1, 18, '0.02 0.15 0.0', randVec5, 1.0, 0x20, autoAimFOV, autoAimMaxDist);
if((mode == 1) && (rail != -1))
PlayKey(rail, railAnim, 1, 20);

// Provide a kick backwards
ApplyForce(player, VectorScale(GetThingLVec(player), -40));

ChangeInv(player, 15, -1.0);

powerBoost = GetInv(player, 63);
ChangeFireRate(player, fireWait/powerBoost);


# ........................................................................................

player = GetSourceRef();
mode = GetSenderRef();
jkSetWaggle(player, '0.0 0.0 0.0', 0);
powerBoost = GetInv(player, 63);
ActivateWeapon( player, fireWait/powerBoost, mode );

# ........................................................................................

player = GetSourceRef();
mode = GetSenderRef();
jkSetWaggle(player, '10.0 7.0 0.0', 350);
DeactivateWeapon( player, mode );

# ........................................................................................

print("Auto-Grenade Launcher!,Better Not Stand To Close!");
player = GetSourceRef();

PlayMode(player, 41);
PlaySoundThing(mountSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80);
jkSetPOVModel(player, povModel);
SetArmedMode(player, 1);
jkSetWeaponMesh(player, weaponMesh);
jkSetWaggle(player, '10.0 7.0 0.0', 350);

trackID = jkPlayPOVKey(player, mountAnim, 0, 20);
SetMountWait(player, GetKeyLen(mountAnim));
jkClearFlags(player, 0x5);
SetCurWeapon(player, 7);

// Check Ammo - If we are out, autoselect best weapon.
if(GetInv( player, 15 ) < 1.0)
PlaySoundThing(outSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80);
if(GetAutoSwitch() & 1)
SelectWeapon(player, AutoSelectWeapon(player, 1));


# ........................................................................................

player = GetSourceRef();

PlaySoundThing(dismountSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80);
jkPlayPOVKey( player, dismountAnim, 0, 18 );

holsterWait = GetKeyLen(holsterAnim);
SetMountWait(player, holsterWait);
holsterTrack = PlayKey(player, holsterAnim, 1, 0x4);
SetTimerEx(holsterWait, 2, 0.0, 0.0);
if (trackID != -1)
jkStopPOVKey( player, trackID, 0 );
trackID = -1;
jkSetWaggle(player, '0.0 0.0 0.0', 0);


# ........................................................................................

// player = GetSourceRef();
// // Make sure that if the player is respawning, the old mount isn't playing anymore.
// if (trackID != -1)
// jkStopPOVKey(player, trackID, 0);
// Return;

# ........................................................................................

selectMode = GetSenderRef();
player = GetSourceRef();

// If the player has the weapon
if(GetInv(player, 7) != 0.0)
// If the player has ammo
if(GetInv(player, 15) != 0.0)

// query for ammo
if(selectMode == -1)

if((selectMode == 0) && !(GetAutoPickup() & 2))

if((selectMode == 1) && !(GetAutoSwitch() & 2))

if((selectMode == 2) && !(GetAutoPickup() & 2))




# ........................................................................................

StopKey(player, holsterTrack, 0.0);



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