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ForumsJedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith Editing Forum → 16bit mat issue
16bit mat issue
2001-07-19, 10:52 AM #1
I don't quite know if this is a common problem or not, but i have these real spiffy looking 16 bit mats and an okay looking 3DO. I put my spiffies on my 3DO, and it's all happy and beautiful. When i put in my level with the happy templates and stuff it's fine too. *BUT*, when i actually run JK using my level, part of the mats are missing, and the part i can see is blue. WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME??!! Is it my Video card or Direct 3D or what?!

Also, could someone tell me how to post pictures so i can show u screenshots?
2001-07-19, 12:04 PM #2
Follow this link. Its information on the UBB code used by these forums including how to post pictures.

Off the top of my head, make sure you have the create mip-maps option turned off in Mat16.

"Sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand."
Have Lightsaber Will Travel
Have Lightsaber Will Travel JK Editing tips, troubleshooting information, resources and more. For all your Star Wars Galaxies needs
The Massassi A SW Galaxies Player Association
2001-07-20, 8:48 AM #3
Wow, I've never seen that before. [] I can only guess that you don't have JK set to a 16-bit resolution eg. 800x600x16.
2001-07-20, 9:25 AM #4
i have that too. i think it's the 3d card... i know that my voodoo3 doesn't support 16-bit mats completely. just let someone else test it and see what happens.
I. R. Fantom
2001-07-20, 9:30 AM #5
They COULD be right, but I don't think that's the problem. Like Mike said, make sure mip maps are turned off, then, make sure Transparency is turned off because that part of 16bit mats has not (and probably will not) been (or be) perfected. It can cause odd problems. If that still doesn't hit the spot, have at with the getting someone else to test. But I would say transparency is another thought to try before you go to more trouble.
2001-07-20, 1:07 PM #6
[] My Voodoo 3 works fine with 16 bit mats.

"Sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand."
Have Lightsaber Will Travel
Have Lightsaber Will Travel JK Editing tips, troubleshooting information, resources and more. For all your Star Wars Galaxies needs
The Massassi A SW Galaxies Player Association
2001-07-20, 1:49 PM #7
i have mipmaps off, and it's all screwie, so i dunno. All i really know about my video card is that it's an nVidia thing with 8mb and it ain't all that good at all. I'll post some pictures in just a sec.
2001-07-20, 1:53 PM #8
3DO in JED
3DO in JED again
3DO in JK

(Sorry but UBB code isn't working for me now)

[This message has been edited by S()|_ | |} S|\|/-\KE (edited July 20, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by S()|_ | |} S|\|/-\KE (edited July 20, 2001).]
2001-07-20, 2:01 PM #9
hehehe... I had this problem to. What I did was that I downloaded an old version of mat16 and compliled it and it worked fine. Beats me what went wrong []
Team Battle.
2001-07-20, 2:47 PM #10
ok, i'm getting closer! Now i have a blue and yellow mat, i guess the yellow part was transparent before. i recompiled it without transparency (how did that get on?!). See the Screenshot:
2001-07-22, 6:17 AM #11
i have version 0.4, what is the old version, or is that it?
2001-07-22, 5:18 PM #12
I have version 0.2
Team Battle.
2001-07-23, 9:34 AM #13
where can you get it?
2001-07-23, 9:38 AM #14
transparency gets buggier with each newer version of mat16. that's more than likely the problem, 'cause my in game shots look really weird... some whites turns shades of blue. i've been looking at that quite a bit. try turning off the transparency and compile the mat.
I. R. Fantom
2001-07-23, 12:33 PM #15
I KNOW I KNOW! YOU CAN'T (ahem)... You can't use BLACK in a mat or it comes out TRANSPARENT! (and screws up the REST of the mat) Use like REAAAAALY dark grey or some thing similar. It looks BLACK in the game. The blue and yellow and the first 3 pictures are what gave away to me that you used black in the mat. Blue, yellow, pink and green are are just "solid transparency".

Famous Last Words of Tony:
Drat! Out of energy cells. I wonder maybe if I stood up against the wall and threw a detonator, would it open up that secret area?
Heeehaha... I wonder if I tried to stick a rail charge to my butt, would it propel me past that bunch of Tuskens?
What if I SHOT the rabbit? (okay, there's a long explanation, but if you've ever found Max in Level 5 with no cheats on you will know what I mean. LOL)
2001-07-23, 1:49 PM #16
Even without black in the mat, you need to make sure the transparency option in Mat16 is turned off. It's buggy as hell.

"Sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand."
Have Lightsaber Will Travel
Have Lightsaber Will Travel JK Editing tips, troubleshooting information, resources and more. For all your Star Wars Galaxies needs
The Massassi A SW Galaxies Player Association
2001-07-23, 3:18 PM #17
yah, duh, i've heard the transperency thing tons a times. but why can't I put black in a .mat even if trans is off. But I'll try it anyway []
2001-07-24, 8:32 AM #18
Because black = transparent. Use very dark gray.

Dead Reckoning and Dead Reckoning 2
Dead Reckoning
2001-07-25, 5:17 AM #19
Sorry, but There isn't any black in my mats.
2001-07-25, 5:45 PM #20
Read my previous post. Buggy, just buggy.

"Sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand."
Have Lightsaber Will Travel
Have Lightsaber Will Travel JK Editing tips, troubleshooting information, resources and more. For all your Star Wars Galaxies needs
The Massassi A SW Galaxies Player Association
2001-07-27, 8:55 AM #21
there's no black, no transperency, no mipmaps, and i'm about to test it on another machine. any other suggestions?

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