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ForumsJedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith Editing Forum → any good gun modeler/skinner with time on his hands?
any good gun modeler/skinner with time on his hands?
2001-11-21, 6:56 PM #1
I'd really like to finish my mod soon (yknow, the rebel thingy posts in the showcase...) but I realise that I really really suck at making weapons, you should see the dozens of infernal abominations I've created before getting *1* tube to look like it could be a gun it you ran the game on a 486.... Anyways... If any of you weapon wizards out there have some free time, the mod could be great... all in 16 bits of course..

I also badly need a cogger for some team-deatmatch sorta cogs.. nothing complicated, just something out of my subpar cogging aptitudes.

AND..although its pretty much optional right now, if there's a good skinner around, I'd need someone to make a kickass 16bits stormtrooper and rebel commando skins...

So.. if you got a LITTLE WEE BIT of time on your hands... HELP ME!!@#$!$ []

_ _______ _
Sith Domination (

-Are you sure this is the Sci-Fi Convention? It's full of nerds!
2001-11-21, 7:12 PM #2
I can cog. I hope I can cog.

Can I cog guys? Or do I have the skill of a half-witted n00b? What say ye?

Yeah BS, Id love to cog for you... []

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-21, 7:27 PM #3
who you calling bull**** here man? huh?

hurm.. eheh

Okay so, I'll email you the details right away. As I said, nothing too complicated... you'll see []

The sooner I can finish that project, the sooner I can start making serious progress on Sg1 []

_ _______ _
Sith Domination (

-Are you sure this is the Sci-Fi Convention? It's full of nerds!

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