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ForumsJedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith Editing Forum → Predator Dares You!
Predator Dares You!
2001-11-25, 6:15 PM #1
I have a dare for all the GOOD mod creators. I have been searching for a mod for Jedi Knight that turnes him into Predator from the movie Predator 2, he will be equiped with a shoulder cannon thats replaces the Concussion rifle(same thing except no rifle and over his right shoulder)wrist blades with advanced slicing swings( left hand only.) A sword that is yellowish brown and has right arm use only.) A Plaszmarifle. A flying disk that will fly and kill any enemy visible and then come back. a cloaking device that DOES NOT use battery power NOR MANA! NOR ANY NOISE! he will walk with no footstep noise, and his vision in 1st person will be in infa red and the enemy will glow red. And the plazma rifle and shoulder cannon will lock on automattically and it will show a red triangle for lock. and the Predator will have a emergency self destruct that will blow up anyone in a 100 (foot) radius. and a medkit that will have a drain in power but will bring him up to full health. His only force powers is force jump force sight and speed(all have 4 stars on them though.)the only ammo he can pick up is power cells.) And one last thing he is not damaged by fall and takes more damage by four. And oh yeah, it has to work on patchcommander.

P.S.= if you need pics or advice on modeling the predator E-mail me I love this guy! and I can tell you what it should act like or look like.

Bubba John

[This message has been edited by BubbaJohn1500 (edited November 25, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by BubbaJohn1500 (edited November 25, 2001).]
2001-11-25, 6:48 PM #2
1. Welcome.
2. Do you have any idea how often people drop in here asking for levels/mods to be made? They pretty much never find anybody willing to make them.
3. Learn to edit JK and make it yourself. []

"Sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand."
Have Lightsaber Will Travel

[This message has been edited by MikeC (edited November 25, 2001).]
Have Lightsaber Will Travel JK Editing tips, troubleshooting information, resources and more. For all your Star Wars Galaxies needs
The Massassi A SW Galaxies Player Association
2001-11-26, 3:29 AM #3

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today,
Tomorrow will be dying.
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2001-11-26, 9:40 AM #4
[] That would take a crapload of cogwork too man... []
Cha cha cha CHIA!!
2001-11-26, 10:34 AM #5
like to see ANYone try. it could take YEARS! well, maybe not
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2001-11-26, 1:07 PM #6
remember this is a dare guys, and I would do it if I knew how.If ya can tell me please e-mail me.

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