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ForumsJedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith Editing Forum → Coverting Max to a walkplayer
Coverting Max to a walkplayer
2001-11-28, 7:52 AM #1

The above is a nifty new walkplayer I'm working on for a nifty new project I have in the works. (Well, I guess it's not actually new, and no, I haven't done any texture work, yet)

So far, I saved max as a new 3do, and got rid of his ears, tail, and bryar, by setting those meshes' geos to 0.
Then I saved kyle's cog, snd, and pup files under new names. I created a new walkplayer template that uses the new files, instead of the default ones.
Lastly, I opened the new pup file (formerly kyle.pup) and replaced whichever keys I could with Max's keys.

When I launch my test level, I get Max instead of Kyle. Max's walk/run animation still work, but pretty much everything else doesn't look right. Which is pretty much as I expected at this point. So far, so good.

Problem is, I don't know where to go from here.

I know I'm going to need to make new key files, but I don't know which program's I'll need for it.

Now, when I start working on new keys, will those "invisible" meshes cause any extra work, or can I ignore them?

I'm also pretty sure I'm going to need to do something to tell JK where to put the weapon mesh--something about a dummy mesh, or a node, or something...

I'm so clueless. []

Any help will be greatly appreciated! []
2001-11-28, 12:07 PM #2
Nah. Weapon 3d0 offsets take care of that.

As for keys, youll need Puppet jedi.

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-28, 12:07 PM #3
BTW, yes, you can ignore the invisible meshes...

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-28, 10:05 PM #4
Cool, thanks []

I've assigned a few more key files, and actually was able to edit one []

but I've run into this problem.
The weapons aren't showing up in the right place. It seems they're attached to Max's left ear. I'd like to get them to show up in one of his hands. Any tips?


[This message has been edited by GoZ_SpaceBoy (edited November 29, 2001).]
2001-11-29, 6:02 AM #5
The weapon offsets cause that. The easiest way to fix it would be to open each weapon 3d0 in JED, and carefully reposition it. In this case, make them lower. But only by about .1 JKU. That should take care of the weapon placement, but the keys will place the hands on them...

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-29, 6:03 AM #6
BTW, while you have those weapons open in JED, you might want to cut off Kyle's hands, and add Max's...

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-29, 8:57 AM #7
I don't think that's the answer. No matter how much I offset the weapons, they're still going to move like they're attached to his ear, not his hand. His arm will move one way, his ear, with the weapon, will move the other.

I'm planning on keeping Max's hand the way it is, and building new weapon models, without a hand attached. The way JK should have done it []

I think the answer lies in editting the Max 3do's Heirarchy nodes, or pup file, or something. I'm not really sure what I'm looking for, but I'll play around with a few things.

Of course, if anyone knows what I gotsta do, feel free to chime in. []
2001-11-29, 11:22 AM #8
Sure, offsets will get it down to that level, but youll also need new weapon keys.

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-29, 1:37 PM #9
OK, I think I've found out the answer []
The following is at the end of kyle.pup
0=15	# 0 = head
1=16	# 1 = neck
2=17	# 2 = torso
3=12	# 3 = primary weapon fire
4=12	# 4 = secondard weapon fire
5=13	# 5 = primary weapon aiming joint
6=7	# 6 = secondary weapon aiming joint

Of particular note is the weapon fire joints. For kyle, they're listed as 12. This cooresponds perfectly with Mesh #12: k_rhand, an empty mesh where JK places kyle's weapons.

So I figured I could replace 12 with the mesh # for Max's empty Bryar Pistol mesh (which is mesh #2 in the Max 3do).
0=15	# 0 = head
1=16	# 1 = neck
2=17	# 2 = torso
3=2	# 3 = primary weapon fire (Kyle=12 MAX=2)
4=2	# 4 = secondard weapon fire (Kyle=12 MAX=2)
5=13	# 5 = primary weapon aiming joint
6=7	# 6 = secondary weapon aiming joint

And Voila!

I'll probably have to replace each of kyle's mesh #s with Max's cooresponding mesh #. I think I'll wait until I figure out why each needs to be replaced until I do, first.

[This message has been edited by GoZ_SpaceBoy (edited November 29, 2001).]
2001-11-29, 2:32 PM #10
Mmm. Looks good.

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-29, 7:44 PM #11
If you don't plan to rekey all the meshes you have hidden, you could just assign them to the nearest mesh; assign the ears to the head mesh, for example.

{contact} [url=""][/url]</A>
...Watch out, folks, he's probably pretty tired...
"GIR! Quickly! Ride the pig!"
2001-11-30, 12:57 PM #12
I'm not trying to be stupid or anything. As I matter of fact I now you're gonna fix this, I just wanna say... What's a Bunny Without Ears!

Ohh Crap! - Darien Fawkes (The Invisible Man)
Ohh Crap! - Darien Fawkes (The Invisible Man)
2001-11-30, 2:52 PM #13
What is this for?
2001-11-30, 5:20 PM #14
Well, I haven't really made new mats for him, yet. He won't be a bunny when I'm done []

This is for a project I'm working on, and, well, the guy you play is freaky short. And has a big melon head. And huge feet.
I'll unveil it, eventually, at my site, when I have more of it done []


[This message has been edited by GoZ_SpaceBoy (edited November 30, 2001).]
2001-12-01, 10:54 AM #15
So dats why the poor bunny has no ears.

Ohh Crap! - Darien Fawkes (The Invisible Man)
Ohh Crap! - Darien Fawkes (The Invisible Man)
2001-12-02, 2:39 PM #16
Hmm, I've run into a new problem []

For some reason, Max isn't making any footstep noises. Neither while walking or running.
I'm using a copy of kyle.snd, and all the other sounds play (swimming, jumping, falling, landing, etc)

Anyone know what's up?

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