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ForumsJedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith Editing Forum → This has got to be one of those most painful JED experiances...
This has got to be one of those most painful JED experiances...
2001-12-03, 4:42 AM #1
Ok, on my level, when it was in the making I made a major goof because it would never work on testing it.. Well I finally got the testing to work from fiddling with it, and I found major HOM probs. Well unfortunetly they made the level un-salvageable.

I had all these rooms add on the part with HOM problem, in a way they're salvageable, but I tried to finish off all the stuff in those rooms for archi and such and then just merge all the rooms together, export them as a shape and then put them on a version of the level without the rooms that also didn't have HOM problem (because I saved it just in case before doing the stuff that had the HOM probs) but one problem happened... When I went to test it, it wouldn't let me past the adjoins (They were done correctly) so is there a way to save multiple sectors as a shape and have it be convex or do I need to save each room as a shape and the ones with the archi 3dos I could save as a shape and then just copy from scratch with those as a guide plus with all mats on it and stuff? I think I just answered my question, but I wanted to know if there was an easier way.
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2001-12-03, 5:25 AM #2
You merged all the sectors? Ouch... []

Be in sector mode, then multiselect your whole level (hold down alt, and mousedrag the red box around the level). Hit CTRL+C, then wait a minute or two. Open the level you want the new level in, and hit CTRL+V.
Spelling, grammar, and puncuation errors, left in on purpose, to give those who like to point them out meaning in life.

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