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ForumsJedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith Editing Forum → How do I make a wall that you can walk through?
How do I make a wall that you can walk through?
2001-12-05, 7:32 PM #1
I want to add a secret by making a wall that you can walk through. I want it to look like a normal wall, but you can walk through it. Everybody understand now? Good...
2001-12-05, 8:27 PM #2
I haven't browsed all the tutorials, but you might check there to see if it there is a tutorial on it there. Although, I think it's the same as adding any other room, you cleave out the shapes of yours doorways, but instead of adjoining you flag the walls as passable on your surface flags, then you can either make one or both sides transparent so that a person can walk see through them before walking into what could be a trap. Not sure if that's true or not, but it's just my idea of how it could work.
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2001-12-06, 2:26 AM #3
1: Select the surface you wish to walk through.

2: Extrude ([X] key) this surface. (You may already have a room you wish to be "secret". If so, jump to step 3.)

3: Select the surface you extruded again. (The adjoin in the entrance to the room you wish to be secret.) Press spacebar to select this surface. Now press [SHIFT+F] to select the opposing surface. Press spacebar again to add this surface to the selection.

4. Press [ENTER] and type "4" (no quotes) in the box named +GEO.

Congratulations, you have a "secret" room! Please note that this function should be used with care. You can surely find a lot more creative ways to make secret rooms.

The rings do not lie, and you can run no more from me[/b]
No signature for you.
2001-12-06, 3:01 AM #4
You already posted a topic like this down a few, why post another?

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today,
Tomorrow will be dying.
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2001-12-06, 5:56 PM #5
Wow, you are one dense piece of crap... I posted 2, retard, and the reason for that is people didn't understand it the first time.
2001-12-06, 6:20 PM #6
OK - JAS_Hethrir you just stepped WAY over the line.

1. I read your other post. It WAS understood. And frankly, the answer that was given to it was completely correct (if a little lacking in detail). The problem was you didn't understand the answer so you should have asked for clarification.

2. [] Where in the Hell do you get off insulting TimeWolfOfThePast like that? He asked you a simple question and you come back calling him a retard! We don't allow flaming of people like that even if the instigate something. We damn sure aren't going to stand for a totally unprovoked attack like that.

3. I am closing this topic and your other one.

4. I am emailing the staff to discuss your banning.

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