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ForumsJedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith Editing Forum → Could Not Load Level!
Could Not Load Level!
2001-12-07, 10:27 AM #1
I am no newbie editor so this problem comes as a shock to me, even though I save correctly (at least I think I do, feel free to contradict me)I get the infamous "Could Not Load Level!" message ,this message has mocked me long enough []. So far everyone has said "Oh, sorry, can't help ya there" but, hopefully things will change. I appreciate any help you can provide. Oh yeah, and I did check the consistency.
2001-12-07, 10:47 AM #2
sounds like something that happened to me awhile back. The name of your jed file or gob file wouldn't happen to have 2 words or more to it, does it? If so, thats the prob!
2001-12-07, 10:49 AM #3
You checked the CC? Good. Now, go and make sure you actully have a 'walkplayer'...

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-12-07, 11:42 AM #4
... and also check the walkplayer is in a sector... That's happened to me too many times...

"Nac Mac Feegle weyhey!"
Battle cry of the Nac Mac Feegle.
"Nac Mac Feegle weyhey!"
Battle cry of the Nac Mac Feegle.
2001-12-07, 12:05 PM #5
Are you using any custom materials?

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-12-07, 12:34 PM #6
Make sure all the info in the episode editor thing (F8) is correct, like JKL name and stuff. Make sure (2) Deathmatch is selected if its a multiplayer level. Also, like said above, make your level and JKL name only one word.

This has happened to me before, easy to fix []
*prepares for barrage of rotten fruit*
2001-12-07, 3:16 PM #7
And as always, check MikeC's Troubleshooting page:

Sylvicolus JK homepage
If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to
patient observation than to any other reason. -Isaac Newton
Sylvicolus JK homepage
If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to
patient observation than to any other reason. -Isaac Newton
2001-12-07, 5:13 PM #8
delete the whole thing and start again from scratch, it usually works []

_ _______ _
Sith Domination (

-Are you sure this is the Sci-Fi Convention? It's full of nerds!
2001-12-08, 7:46 PM #9
For me its usually the name of the level.
2001-12-08, 7:58 PM #10
Well I'd check CC again to make sure all your sectors aren't over the vertices limit, that happened to me yesterday during a test.

If CC is clean, I'd suggest going through and making sure everything is fine and is how it should be. Maybe you forgot to set the type of level it's supposed to be in the Episode Editor?
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2001-12-09, 11:25 AM #11
[] Listen to Sylvicolus. There are a lot fo possible causes for that error. I discuss all the common ones on my web site.

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