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ForumsJedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith Editing Forum → Character selection keyframe.......
Character selection keyframe.......
2001-12-20, 10:33 AM #1
I just know that the keyframe that's played in the MP Character Selection scren is kyrun2.key (running with a gun, checked the pup) However, when I name a key kyrun2.key and put it in resource\3do\key, it doesn't work. [] Any ideas? I got rid of the bryar pistol, just gotta change that key as it messes up some of our models....

-Hell Raiser
Cogging type person that does, umm, stuff.
"Free, your, mind."
-Hell Raiser
2001-12-20, 3:53 PM #2
*takes the thread to the running of the bulls and tosses it out infront of the bulls*
-Hell Raiser
2001-12-20, 11:51 PM #3
umm...try replacing the keyframe with yours in the .pup file.

-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance

-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance

2001-12-21, 12:39 AM #4
Dunno, try running it inside a patch. I remember there were times when i had to do that just to get a key to run.

Getting rid of the pistol shouldn't matter. That's just an add-on to the hand mesh, so I don't think that is the problem.
2001-12-21, 9:51 AM #5
Tazz: The keyframe is replaced in the pup

UGG: I'll try gobbing what I've got and let ya know how it goes. I know the bryar ain't the problem, it's just a model, but I had to get rid of it completly, so I made me a small cube where all the surfaces were set to not rendered. =)

-Hell Raiser
Cogging type person that does, umm, stuff.
"Free, your, mind."
-Hell Raiser
2001-12-23, 3:45 PM #6
Ask SavageX...I remember SS3 beta 9.0 had the player just standing there and rotating on the select screen. (because I thought it was pretty cool)

Good idea for getting rid of the bryar btw.

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