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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Lighting a whole level
Lighting a whole level
2002-05-17, 3:12 PM #1
Is there a way to set light throughout an entire portion of a level (eg: outside).. and can this be done still if there is an inside/underground portion of the level you do not want lit?
2002-05-17, 3:37 PM #2
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by oostuart:
Is there a way to set light throughout an entire portion of a level (eg: outside).. and can this be done still if there is an inside/underground portion of the level you do not want lit?</font>

yes, it is called using a ENV shader. if you've never made a shader before, I have pasted one you can use below. First though, go into your assets0.pk3 and unpak the Textures folder. This contains a LOT of folder, which is handy for finding out what kind of textures you want to use in your map. Also, what we want to look at are the SKIES folder, where the sky textures are. (I usually use a custom one instead but the ones Raven included are nice too) See which one you want to do, then edit your shader file (make a plain txt file, and rename it to "mymap.shader"

paste the following into the text file, edit to fit your map, and save it as whatever your mapname is, plus .shader. for example, mymap.shader.

----------------------------------------------------Copy after this line------------------

q3map_lightimage textures/newhoth/newhoth.tga
qer_editorimage textures/newhoth/newhoth.tga
q3map_surfacelight 200
surfaceparm noimpact
surfaceparm nomarks
surfaceparm sky
q3map_sun 1 1 1 100 23 58
skyParms env/newhoth 512 -

----Don't copy past this line or THIS line------------------------------------------------, if you have a pak all made up, if you have a shaders folder, great, save your shader there. If not, make a new folder named Shaders, and paste the shader in there. You also will want to make the following folders : Maps, Levelshots, Scripts, ENV, Shaders, Textures, Sound.
All these really depend on how much you are going to customize your map. If you are going to make your own textures, be sure first all that you make them in the size of a power of 2 (2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024....example : 64x128 or 128x128) and secondly, if you make your own textures, you need to make a second folder inside the Textures folder with the nameof your map. That's where you will place your textures.

Place your map of course in the maps folder, and your snapshot of the level in the levelshots folder. (make this one sized 512x512 or 1024x1024)

one last thing for your skybox(Oh yeah, that's what you were asking about, huh?) ok, well actually two...look back up to the shader, and you'll see that the last line says env/newhoth 512 ....just change the newhoth with whatever your map name. Your ENV folder is where your sky textures will be, so if you use the GAMES sky textures, you'll need to be sure to point it to the correct directory. NOW, one last part, you need to make your own texture icon so you can select it in Radiant. I usually take one of the pictures, resize it to 64x64, and invert the colors. Save THIS one as mymapname.tga (be sure it's a tga or it won't work as well I don't think...not positive but highly recommended) and put it in the TEXTURES/MYMAPNAME folder

pak it all up, copy the shader into the shaders folder in your Gamedata/Base/Shaders folder, edit the shaderlist by one line to include the name of your map, save it, pak everything up if you didn't already and start Radiant. Load up your map and your map textures and you should be set. Let me know how it works.
ICQ 12529687

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