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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Weapons/Force for NPCs in Single Player
Weapons/Force for NPCs in Single Player
2002-05-16, 6:49 PM #1
I've placed the Darth Vader skin/model/sounds/etc. from the multiplayer bot into my assets0.pk3, edited the npcs.cfg to make him available for spawing, placed the .jkb in the correct place, and edited the bots.txt file as well, but when I spawn him in the game he has a blaster-rifle instead of a lightsaber and no force powers whatsoever. Also, he cannot be dismembered. Does anyone know how to fix any of these problems? If you could help me out, it really would be appreciated.
Thanks again,
(Note: He cannot be dismembered when g_saberrealisticcombat is set to "1")
2002-05-18, 3:52 AM #2
Hold up a sec.. are you making him as a bot or an NPC? If it's a bot you just edit the bots.txt and the ***.jkb, you don't need to edit the npcs.cfg.
If it is meant to be an npc, you just edit the npcs.cfg, you don't need to edit the bots.txt or ***.jkb.
As for the dismemberment, I'm not sure how to do it im MP but in the npcs.cfg you to manually edit the probibility for add-on enemies, I'll use desann as an example
	fullName	"Desann"
	playerModel	desann
	saberColor	red
	rank		captain
	reactions	3
	aim			3
	move		5
	aggression	3
	evasion		5
	intelligence	5
	hfov		160
	vfov		160
	scale		135
	height		78
	crouchheight 42
	width		18
	playerTeam	enemy
	enemyTeam	player
//	race		human
	class		desann
	yawSpeed	120
	walkSpeed	55
	runSpeed	200
	snd			desann
	sndcombat	desann
	sndjedi		desann
	health		500
	dismemberProbHead	10
	dismemberProbArms	35
	dismemberProbLegs	10
	dismemberProbHands	50
	dismemberProbWaist	10

That is the desann part of the npcs.cpg, to make it more likely that something will get cut off change the numbers to higher numbersin this part:
dismemberProbHead	10
	dismemberProbArms	35
	dismemberProbLegs	10
	dismemberProbHands	50
	dismemberProbWaist	10

I hope that helped a little bit.

P.S. I havn't tried this yet but I think that it should work, if it doesn't work don't flame me []

[edit]too early in the morning to spell right or something...Mega spelling errors[/edit]

[This message has been edited by Stormtrooper (edited May 18, 2002).]
2002-05-18, 9:34 AM #3
I doubt the Darth Vader model was broken up into parts in the creation process, therefore dismemberment won't work.

I believe force powers are set with a spawn script (ICARUS). I'm still researching this, however..
2002-05-18, 6:15 PM #4
I also want a vader npc but if i add him using desann or anybody he appears when i spawn him with no gun in his hands desann's ligtsaber handle between his legs and inside his body and he shoots at me as if he was holding a lightsaber and i cant get him to have a lightsaber unless i make him desann and replace desann.
2002-05-19, 3:54 AM #5
No-one seems to know how to add proper NPCs. Everyone I've spoken to can add them but only with blasters not sabers.

Force powers: this is set in the class section I believe..... although on this one I'm not sure. The easiest way to do this would be to take a character who uses the force powers you want and use their class.

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