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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Shader in-game textures...
Shader in-game textures...
2002-05-19, 7:54 PM #1
Okay.. I have the following shader:

qer_editorimage textures/bespin/basic
map textures/bespin/basic
q3map_surfacelight 450
surfaceparm noimpact

Now, I want this to show up with the 'basic' texture, from the bespin set... but, alas, it shows up as the default texture.


Taking credit for: Canyon Stream, Higher Ground, The Space Between, Death's Dome (mlp3), bits of JKRPG, and the entire Showcase forum, damnit!
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2002-05-20, 6:34 AM #2
It shows up with the default texture ingame or in the editor? []

Anyway.... how come you called it textures/bespin/top? I BELIEVE, although I'm not sure, you would have to call it textures/bespin/basic to work with that texture since all the others are the same name there as the texture they refer to.

Try this. And also, I assume you added this to an existing shader right? (bespin.shader I assume).
2002-05-20, 12:02 PM #3
No; the name of the shader has nothing to do with what images it uses.

Juz, your texture has no stages. The editor knows what to use because of the qer_editorimage tag, but the game sees a blank shader.

Try this:

qer_editorimage textures/bespin/basic
map textures/bespin/basic
q3map_surfacelight 450
surfaceparm noimpact
map textures/bespin/basic
map $lightmap
2002-05-20, 12:04 PM #4
Wait, scratch that. You've got a nolightmap, trying to map the lightmap over it will make it fail. Either delete the second stage, or the no lightmap tag.
2002-05-20, 12:06 PM #5
I feel stupid. And delete the first map tag.

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