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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Bsp
2002-05-20, 4:40 PM #1
is there a big diffrence between fullvis and fastvis, becuase it takes 30 mins for fastvis to compile it, and i dont want to waist my time with fullvis if there isnt a diffrence.
2002-05-20, 5:52 PM #2
Yeah, I think Fullvis would take much longer. How long does Novis take?
2002-05-20, 6:04 PM #3
i never tried novis what does that do?
2002-05-20, 9:57 PM #4
What kinda map is that? Sounds pretty large.
2002-05-20, 10:28 PM #5
Novis is just bsp, no vis or light calcs. It's very fast.
2002-05-21, 5:29 AM #6
wow i am not sure if it is my computer but my 1.7ghz only takes about 20 seconds to calculate 30 lights...
whenever any form of government becomes destructive to securing the rights of the governed, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it
---Thomas jefferson, Declaration of Independance.
2002-05-21, 10:46 AM #7
well my map is the huge mansion from ff7, and it just takes forever and i cant stand waiting just to see if i messed up on something or another becuase this is my first map. and what is vis?
2002-05-21, 2:55 PM #8
vis is lighting,

bsp novis --> no lighting calculation, everything will be at full brightness (Quickest but no good for trying out lights, just textures/rooms)

bsp revis --> calculates the lighting and adds it to an already compiled map of the same name. (this is used if you fullvis a map, try it out, and then just re-edit lighting)

bsp fullvis --> all lighting calculations are done, the final map, (slowest to perform)

bsp fastvis --> to be honest i have no idea

"For all these years i have only known Dark Jedi, never one from the Light-Side...
...Somehow I expected more!"
"For all these years i have only known Dark Jedi, never one from the Light-Side...
...Somehow I expected more!"
2002-05-21, 3:11 PM #9
thanks this helps a lot and will save me a lot of time. to bad my map is almost done
2002-05-21, 3:46 PM #10
bsp fastvis I think just doesn't do any fancy lighting effects, and renders it in a crappier way. Basically just for placement of lights.

"The future is not determined by a throw of the dice, but is determined by the conscious decisions of you and me."
I am addicted to ellipses!!! AHHH!!! ...

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