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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → A BIG bone to pick on tuts
A BIG bone to pick on tuts
2002-05-26, 4:58 AM #1
Why is it when I read most if not all tuts the very first thing I read is. "Select a texture drag out a brush bla by bla and hit CSG subtract."?
I feel that if someone is going to write a tut they should at least try to get the basics right. If you were going to teach someone to rollerskate would you tell them to tie the skates to thier head?
Why start a noob off on the wrong foot? Why reinforce bad or wrong habits?
Wouldn't it be better to write, choose the caulk texture. Make a wall bla by bla. Continue for all four sides. Use shift+mouse button to select a face on the inside of the room and then choose a texture.
Tuts should teach the proper way to do something not reinforce the wrong. Yes it is easier to write using the wrong way. Yes people who write the tuts are not getting paid and are doing it to help others. But imagine for a moment that I as a noob. That I read a number of tuts then proceed to build what may be a great level made up of some seven thousand brushes. Then because of the bad advise I was given my level chugs so bad that it is unplayable. How would I feel? Even worse how would I feel if after all that work some one told me that I should have built brushes out of caulk and that I should never have used CSG subtract?
Just something I felt had to be said. I feel better now.

You're going to regret that for the rest of your life. All two seconds of it.
2002-05-26, 6:16 AM #2
you get angry easy dont you
2002-05-26, 6:51 AM #3
Wo! I really misread that topic.
That painting was a gift, Todd. I'm taking it with me.
2002-05-26, 7:58 AM #4
Man, I probably speak for a few people when I say; I've been doing this mapping thing for JK2 for not so very long. These are the only ways I've found of doing this - yes, when people ask questions this is what I'm going to answer. If you're not happy with people's tutorials, write your own ones with good stuff in them.
Also, I am finding that while in the process of making maps I am learning new stuff that makes me start the whole map again, and I'm finding that this is a good thing, not a bad. Those tutorials have been very helpful. And, um, your description of how to do stuff NOT using subtract is a little dodgy.... can you please repeat it? Cos it didnt seem to subtract at all.
2002-05-26, 11:21 AM #5
Caulk is vis's and framerate's best friend. If you don't give them time to play together, they'll be mad.

CSG Subtract is CRAP. It's too easy to screw up on. Basically, he's saying that.

Yeah. CSG Subt makes too many brushes. It's like throwing a grenade at a pile of sticks and expecting it to make a tree.

All it will do is make smaller sticks, which will kill your VIS compile time and your framerate. That's a bad thing.

Maybe I will write a 'tut' on it. There are already plenty of them, tho.

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