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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Skyboxes & Scrolling Sky
Skyboxes & Scrolling Sky
2002-05-26, 9:31 AM #1
I know this might make me sound stupid, but how do you make a skybox and how do you make it scrolling (you know, so it doesn't look like the sky has been painting on the walls and\or ceiling)?

Only in America...

Do banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters
||Arena of Fire || Grand Temple of Fire ||

The man who believes he can and the man who believes he can't are both right. Which are you?
2002-05-27, 9:23 AM #2
Go into the skies category, and pick one of the textures that is a checkered. Like Yavin. Put that on all 6 brushes surrounding your level, and the game will automatically make the skybox for you, with all the skies looking like they should. Most of them won't light anything up though, just so you know. Oh yea, you won't actually see the real skybox until you compile and load it in JO. JK2Rad just shows the checkers.

"The future is not determined by a throw of the dice, but is determined by the conscious decisions of you and me."
I am addicted to ellipses!!! AHHH!!! ...

[This message has been edited by Cool Matty (edited May 27, 2002).]
2002-05-28, 1:53 PM #3
ok i did what you said and the sky is all chekerd. I made a brush a round my levle and made it hollow, then i aplied the sky texture, it looked chekerd. Now i do the BSPfullvis and fun it in JO. And its chekerd.
Why? Also I need help with fire. What i have done was make an entitie (fx_funner) the in the key feiled i type "fxfile" then in the calue feiled i type "effects\env\small_fire.efx" now i do the BSPfulvis and run it in JO and it does noting. Oh i did make it so that it would hurt you and that worked just nothing else. And how do you color your lightes? I want them orange like a fire glow. Thanks for your help.

The volchers are circaling the carcas.

The indians are on the warpath.

The indians are on the warpath.
2002-05-28, 2:52 PM #4
You have to use the checkered textures in the Skies category. (To make sure it is working, use the Yavin checkered one, to test it out for now.)
2002-05-28, 4:03 PM #5
Make sure you chose one with a white outline around the chechered square.
To get fire use fxFile not fxfile.
Then use env/small_fire.efx Do not type effects and do not use the \ instead of the/.

You're going to regret that for the rest of your life. All two seconds of it.
2002-05-28, 4:16 PM #6
Thanks guys.

The indians are on the warpath.
2002-05-28, 4:47 PM #7
Um..... For some reason my sky still does not work. when i play it, its just the default yellow stuff. I used the chekered one with the white line around it and everything. But the Fire worked!!! Im soooo Excited!!!! WOOOHOOO!!! Just one thing, i need to make the lights the right color of fire. now how do i go about doing that.

The volchers are circaling the carcas.

The indians are on the warpath.

The indians are on the warpath.
2002-05-29, 4:56 AM #8
goto your multi player configuration and single player configuration file, gamedata folder i think or base, goto edit in each one, provided you open it with word pad, search for Fastsky of sky, it should be like

seta fast_skies 0

change 0 to 1 and it should draw skies.
whenever any form of government becomes destructive to securing the rights of the governed, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it
---Thomas jefferson, Declaration of Independance.

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