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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Help & Assistance
Help & Assistance
2002-05-29, 12:34 PM #1
This board has taken quite an influx of newcomers recently and we seem to be answering the same questions. Below is a quote from a thread that 007 started regarding his tutorials, that he as taken the time to write in regards to using JKRadiant.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Hi!
I have just written another tutotial for my website, "JK2 Mapping"!
The current list is as follows:
JKRadiant Environment

Compiling & Packing Maps (PK3)
Deforming Brushes (Hills)
Invisible Walls
Coloured Lights
Joining Rooms
Force Fields

If you're interested in any of the tutorials, just visit the website:


If you have a question that you need to be answered please either look here 1st or run a search. ( I did a search in regards to Models and turned up 2 pages of information, a lot, but useful!)

Please can we refer newcomers to this link and if anyone has any other links or tips, then can we post them in this thread or start an FAQ thred or something.

Sorry for spouting, but I'm it gets annoying at time answering the same or similar questions. []


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