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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Adding new NPC's - solution
Adding new NPC's - solution
2002-05-30, 1:17 AM #1
Looking through the forums a few ppl have been trying to add new NPC's and ended up with jedi's with lightsabers that fire blaster bolts.

Well i have found the solution;

simply make the persons name jedimyname, aswell as setting the class to jedi.

heres a sample from my config;

//NPC HumanoidsJedi
playerModel gran
saberColor green
rank lt
reactions 5
aim 5
move 5
aggression 5
evasion 5
intelligence 5
playerTeam player
enemyTeam enemy
class jedi
yawSpeed 140
walkSpeed 50
runSpeed 175
snd gran1
sndcombat gran1
sndjedi gran1
health 500
dismemberProbHead 0
dismemberProbArms 5
dismemberProbLegs 0
dismemberProbHands 10
dismemberProbWaist 0

having the name "jedivader" using the Darth Vader skin also works []

Hope this helps

"For all these years i have only known Dark Jedi, never one from the Light-Side...
...Somehow I expected more!"
"For all these years i have only known Dark Jedi, never one from the Light-Side...
...Somehow I expected more!"

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