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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Entities failing to load. @#$@#$!!!!
Entities failing to load. @#$@#$!!!!
2002-05-23, 5:11 PM #1
Hey, I just installed Jk 2 radient and got cracking...however I have this slight problem. I cant call up any entities. I right click, and get one entity catagory...Smart entities. No info, no weapons, no nothing. However, upon loading a raven map the entities suddenly appear in all thier glory.
Anyone got a solution? The mp entity file is sitting in the Jk directory keeping the editor .exe company. I cant figure out whats wrong with the damn thing.
2002-05-28, 6:14 PM #2
I have the same exact problem! I was waiting until someone replied, but nobody is. So Dont get mad at me cause I brung an old post back up = ), and this time please somone reply. = P
2002-05-29, 12:11 PM #3
Check your project settings. Make sure they are pointed at the right entity file. Also, if you downloaded the JK2 Tools a while back, re-download and re-write over the entity definition files.
2002-05-29, 12:20 PM #4
Make sure the following is correct:

Under the Project settings make sure that your entity path points to the following:

C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\Tools\mp_entities.def

Or wherever you installed JO. (It will be sp_entities.def if making single player maps)

Also welcome to the boards and make use of the search button, it's very helpful.
2002-05-30, 5:56 AM #5
OMG, thank you very much. I finally can see the entities. = ), and thank you Llawnroc
for your Welcome.

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