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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Prob with my map!!!
Prob with my map!!!
2002-06-01, 6:12 PM #1
Ok i have made about a fourth of my map and when i test it ill walk and it sounds like im in water but im really not. Does anyone know why this happens? And also i loaded models into my map and when i try to jump on them i fall through them? If u could help me i would really like it!!!
2002-06-01, 6:15 PM #2
What textures are making the water sound? You need to appply the clip texture from the systems textures to the model to make it where you can't walk though it.
2002-06-02, 3:50 AM #3
So i just have the clip texture then select the ship and press it on there right? Well that water sound is still there and i am using a floor texture but thansk for the help!!
2002-06-02, 5:05 AM #4
No, you don't. You surround the ship with a clip brush.
You can't change the texture on the model, and you shouldn't.
As for the sound, this is a known problem. Open the shader, find the texture, and remove the 'surfaceparam metalsteps' line.

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