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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Dynamic Music in MP
Dynamic Music in MP
2002-06-02, 8:43 AM #1
Does anyone know how to trigger different music for multiplayer? IE maybe walking through a trigger when you enter a new room?
2002-06-04, 4:10 PM #2
Yes you go to the easy entite menu (right click on the grid) and go to 'target' and then 'target_speaker' place it where you want it and there you go!
2002-06-05, 6:45 AM #3
Target_speaker places a sound, but that's not the problem I have. I'm talking about the background music. I know how to place music using the worldspawn entity, but let me put it this way. There's already music playing, the player walks through a certain area and the music changes. That's what I need to know how to do.
2002-06-05, 7:01 AM #4
Yeah i know, and i've read somewhere that you can use target_speaker for that.
2002-06-05, 1:04 PM #5
thanks for the suggestion, I'll see what I can do.
2002-06-05, 4:56 PM #6
Your welcome, anytime

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