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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Need Help on Contacting Map/Mod/Skin Authors
Need Help on Contacting Map/Mod/Skin Authors
2003-10-06, 2:54 AM #1
I am hunting down the following Mods Authors:

SKIN/MODEL    AUTHOR      LAST KNOWN EMAIL (listed if known)
* Episode II Obi-Wan model	Alphan_Jijua
* C-3po	"Oddjob,t3rror,MacD,Raven Software 				"
"* Mon_Calamari			"	"Moooa						"
* Leia	McFarland
"* ghost yoda 	 		"	"Icepool ,psynex						" 
* yoda	"Team Yoda,""Arco"" Ferguson,Kurtis ""Kman"" Smith							"	
* pbattledroid	Proto	
"* Aayla Secura 			"	Tetsu	
"* Old Ben Kenobi		"	Kevin Coyle	


MAP    AUTHOR      LAST KNOWN EMAIL (listed if known)

* Ewok II	Adam,Faceless_Clock
"* Forgotten Rebel Base		"	"Dash Rendar								"
* Cloud City Landing	"NwO Deadlock							"
"* Emperor's Throne Room		"	"NwO Deadlock				"
* Matrix: Sparring Program	"NwO Deadlock						"
"* jedi Council SE		"	"NwO Deadlock							"
* Jedi Council GC	Griffinclaw
* Endor Landing Platform	Belial 
* Star Destroyer Hangar	"Jester-Spaz							"
"* Bespin Pavillion		"	"Jester-Spaz 							"
* Chamber Station T9XT8	Wayne Old


MOD    AUTHOR      LAST KNOWN EMAIL (listed if known)

* Tusken Camp Sp	Episode II Team Seb(crea)
* Naboo blaster	"ALIEN_JL				"
* JediPLUS v4.3	BOFH, Darcious, Dest, Nitemare,The Eternal,RenegadeOfPhunk
* The Arena Showdown 1.0	"Killer_2000							"

Wondering what this is about? I don't have time to retype everything so read this:

2003-10-06, 3:15 AM #2
Let TimFX do it himself.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Thrawn42689:
GothicX is the best n00b ever.
2003-10-06, 3:54 AM #3
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by gothicX:
Let TimFX do it himself.


Lol. That was kinda funny.

But "hunting" editors? you want their help or are you trying to harass them?

"x=2?! Them fightin' words."
2003-10-06, 8:05 AM #4
Opps. I thought you were a different person. But TimFX should be responsible for this job. If you want something of this sort, YOU make your own pack of levels.

"x=2?! Them fightin' words."
2003-10-07, 8:36 AM #5
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">"hunting" editors</font>

Coming to the olympics in 2008.

Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2003-10-08, 3:57 AM #6
I'm not going to harass them, it's an expression. I'm going to "hunt down" some food, or the answer to this problem.

And as For Tim, I'm HELPING him. It's what I do for people, if I can allocate time enough for a project I want to do. Sheesh.


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