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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → The swoop bike...
The swoop bike...
2003-12-22, 2:47 PM #1
Controlling the swoop bike is a difficult task for many (including me.) I noticed that, when on the swoop, you can make the bike actually face left and right by using the keys that are bound to left and right. The problem is that controls of the keyboard (expect foward and backwards) doesn't turn the swoop fast enough thus forcing the player to use the mouse. If somehow I can alter the swoop and make it more responsive to the left and right keys, I can make driving easier (well, for me.) But I don't know exactly what files to edit.

(sorry for the crude explanation)

Here's a file called swoop in the vehicle folder of ext_data:
name			Swoop
numHands		2
lookYaw			45
lookPitch		20
length			128
width			32
height			32
centerOfGravity	"-0.222 0 0"
speedMax		900
speedMin		-150
turboSpeed		1900
turboDuration		2000
turboRecharge		8000
acceleration	20
decelIdle		10
strafePerc		0.5
bankingSpeed	0.5
rollLimit		45
pitchLimit		30
braking			10
mouseYaw		0.0038
turningSpeed	5
turnWhenStopped	0
traction		12
friction		1.5
maxSlope		0.75
mass			200
armor 			2000
toughness 		80.0
malfunctionArmorLevel	1000
model			swoop
skin			black|blue|gold|green|purple|default|silver
riderAnim		BOTH_VS_IDLE
radarIcon		"gfx/menus/radar/swoop"

soundOn			"sound/vehicles/swoop/on.mp3"
soundOff		"sound/vehicles/swoop/off.mp3"
soundLoop		"sound/vehicles/swoop/loop.wav"
soundTakeOff		"sound/vehicles/swoop/on.mp3"
soundEngineStart	"sound/vehicles/swoop/on.mp3"
soundSpin		"sound/vehicles/swoop/loop.wav"
soundTurbo		"sound/vehicles/swoop/sb_revup.mp3"
soundFlyBy		"sound/vehicles/swoop/flyby1.mp3"
soundFlyBy2		"sound/vehicles/swoop/flyby2.mp3"
soundShift		"sound/vehicles/swoop/sb_shift1.mp3"
soundShift2		"sound/vehicles/swoop/sb_shift2.mp3"
soundShift3		"sound/vehicles/swoop/sb_shift3.mp3"
soundShift4		"sound/vehicles/swoop/sb_shift4.mp3"

exhaustFX		"ships/burner"
impactFX		"ships/scrape_sparks"
turboStartFX		"ships/swoop_turbo_start"
armorLowFX		"volumetric/black_smoke"
armorGoneFX		"ships/fire"
flammable		1
explosionRadius 100
explosionDamage 250
explodeFX		"ships/swoop_explosion"
explosionDelay	4500
wakeFX			"ships/vehicle_wake"
gravity			800
waterProof		1
bouyancy		1
hoverHeight		30
hoverStrength	35

cameraOverride		1
cameraRange			125
cameraVertOffset	0
cameraPitchOffset	0
cameraFOV			100
cameraAlpha			0

weap1			swoop_laser
weap1Aim		1

weap1Delay		100

weap1AmmoMax	2000
weap1AmmoRechargeMS	200

weapMuzzle1		swoop_laser

Swoop data may be in the JA SDK. I gotta check.

But what I need is more efficent and faster turning of the swoop using the keys as using the mouse. []

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)
2003-12-23, 2:55 AM #2
Looks like a job for DA, DA DA Freyr

One ring to rule them all. One to find them. One ring ti bring them all and in the darkness bind them. In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
Flipsides crackers are the best crackers to have ever existed
2003-12-23, 7:03 AM #3
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">turningSpeed5



There's no way to keep the mouse and keys seperate without coding, though.

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Farewell, MaDaVentor. In our hearts, you'll always live on.
2003-12-24, 4:48 AM #4
^ bah I tried to do something with that, but it didn't really work...

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)

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