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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Please help
Please help
2003-12-28, 5:27 AM #1
Heya guys just a couple of questions [].

1) how do i make the sky in JA look real, when i chose skies in textures and put it in my level and test it, its all in squares.

2) can i put a rancor in a multiplayer level or sentry robots to practice againts, and if i can how do i do that.

3)Music, how to i add music, and sound to doors and water.

Im sorry ive asked so many questions, but you guys know alot and im very thankful for you help.
2003-12-28, 6:41 AM #2
To put in the sky correctly you need to use the shader file. find the correct shader for the sky.

You cant do that in MP but only in SP.

To add music to the whole thing scroll through the music files. Look at the one you want than start the editor. Click on any normal brush and press N. This should say something like worldspawn. type in the key window music, and in the value window type the directory of the sound file for example: music/yavin/bestsoundevar.mp3

to add sounds to doors look at the door tutorials in the tutorials section. It has a long list of door sounds you can use. type soundset in the key place and the type (i.e. impdoor1) into the value place

I hoped i helped out some. Your obviously new but you can get better. []

Here Ociffer, hold my beer while i look for my license.
*Remnant Temple beta taking a bit longer than planned but ill get it done*
Light And Darkness
I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue
2003-12-28, 6:43 AM #3

Here Ociffer, hold my beer while i look for my license.
*Remnant Temple beta taking a bit longer than planned but ill get it done*
Light And Darkness
I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue
2003-12-28, 7:31 AM #4
As he mentions the sky in JA, I assume you want NPC's in JA too. Well, use the tutorials Xizor linked to, and use that in MP mapping mode. Easy peasy!

Map-Review | Digital Core | The Matrix: Unplugged

Farewell, MaDaVentor. In our hearts, you'll always live on.

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