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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → cinematic spawning
cinematic spawning
2004-01-27, 2:11 AM #1
ok this is my level:
---- ---- ----
_____| |____| |_____| |____
| |
| ^ ^ ^ |

The thing with the arrows are windows. You start in the hallway (down) and move further, when you look at the window you see in the right prison a jedi_trainer and in the other one's two jedi's. The problem is in my cinematic kyle will go down and sneaky crawling under the windows. But when the cinematic ends he is still standing on the other side. (because i only let the NPC move. How do i get the NPC away and get Kyle (the player who you are) is standing on the other side

o yeah, i got an other quistion two. How do i let NPC's push button's in a cinematic and let them open a door??? the stormtroopers are going to a door with one jedi and let him die. And i dont get how to do that [] because if that doesnt work i need to tell a long story before the game even starts...and that is so wrong...Let them find it out there selfs []

-thank you man, raly appriciate it
2004-01-27, 11:07 AM #2
Ok. To move "kyle", you must set kyle's origin to somewhere else. For that purpose, you must place a ref_taq right where you want Kyle to be after the cinematic. Don't place it too low, or he will stand inside the floor, nor too high. About 24 units from the floor should be right (half of the info_playerstart). Give that a targetname, like "kyle_port1". Then in the end of your cinematic script, add:

affect ( "kyle", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )
set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ORIGIN", $tag( "kyle_port1", ORIGIN)$ );

To get rid of the npc_kyle, you have the same option as above: to send him away, or you can just add remove("npc_kyle") inside some other npc's affect to get rid of the npc_kyle permanently.

To make an NPC press a button, you just need to make him do a button pressing animation. For any animation, it's best to check the animations using ModView, and select a suitable one. But just to give an example:

sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_AUTO, "sound/movers/switches/switch7.mp3" );
use ( "thedoor" );

Now, that code will make the currently affected NPC to perform the animation. It will also play a little switch sound, and the last use is of course for the door. In your case you might consider a toggled door for a cell, but that's of course your decision.

Keep in mind that you only animation NPCs in behavior_state "cinematic", of course.

This day we fight
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2004-01-27, 11:12 AM #3
Oh, a little elaboration. My example of the button pushing is in reality, of course, just a sham, because the NPC doesn't actually push a button, it just seems like that in the cinematic, if he was standing in front of and facing the button.

That's why you must also open the door manually in my example. I have never tried to actually force an NPC to push a button for real, so I cannot help in that. But cinematics are like movies: If something seemed to happen, it's as good as if it happened for real!

I hope I could help you at least a little bit.

This day we fight
Frozen in the past by ICARUS

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