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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → GoldenEye TC for JA
GoldenEye TC for JA
2004-02-15, 4:39 AM #1
This is NOT based on/a remake of the classic N64 Bond game of the same name. That game is fine without any tweaking, etc. Rather, this'll be as much of a recreation of the GoldenEye movie as JA will allow.

Now, here comes what we need:

Coders, coders, and C-O-D-E-R-S for SP
Devoted level makers for MP and SP
People to help on the website
Texture artists
Sound artists
Voice actors!

Also, a website is currently in the works, but we need people who'd have the time and effort to update it.

Finally, before you ask me, "Is any work done?" Yes, level 2 has been started on. The website isn't up yet, but when it is, the screenshots of The Facility will be up.

To join, contact with the subject line: GoldenEye TC

Right now, I'm accepting any amount of you in any of the positions. People who are familiar with the GoldenEye movie or game, or both, are especially appreciated.

You can't kill......the xizor.
You can't kill......the xizor.
2004-02-15, 4:48 AM #2
Hello, I am helping with this great id for a TC. I thought that this was a great idea, bringing Bond the one who we all wish we were to JA. This looks very promesing providing we get a good skilled team together to make it all happen. So what do you say, whos up for it?

Heres WIP Screenshots of the Facility :


2004-02-15, 5:02 AM #3
1.) You can't code anything for SP.
2.) From what I read, I think you have a 2-man-team right now.
3.) That map is horrible.

Map-Review | Digital Core | The Matrix: Unplugged

Farewell, MaDaVentor. In our hearts, you'll always live on.

[This message has been edited by gothicX (edited February 15, 2004).]
2004-02-15, 5:11 AM #4
If it's so horrible, then why don't you join the team and try to do better? That's a good recreation of the damn movie! Go watch it again. He watched the one bathroom scene hours on end to try to get the level just right.

You can't kill......the xizor.
You can't kill......the xizor.
2004-02-15, 5:15 AM #5
That doesn't make a map look good. I don't remember the movie, so I can't say if it's accurate or not, but from a mappers point of view: It sucks.

Map-Review | Digital Core | The Matrix: Unplugged

Farewell, MaDaVentor. In our hearts, you'll always live on.
2004-02-15, 5:19 AM #6
good for you, I think all of your map's suck so that makes us even, thats a recreation of exactly how it is in the movie. So go watch them befoer you give crit, and does the 3 letters "WIP" mean anything to you?

2004-02-15, 5:29 AM #7
Sorry, I didn't know you guys were pissed so easily. Nice attitude.

EDIT: And I don't care about how it looked in the movies. If you want to make a good map, don't use a sucky reference, I'd say.

Map-Review | Digital Core | The Matrix: Unplugged

Farewell, MaDaVentor. In our hearts, you'll always live on.

[This message has been edited by gothicX (edited February 15, 2004).]
2004-02-15, 6:43 AM #8
I aint offended man, just dont say "IT SUCKS!" say why, we are both mappers here, we should be helping eachother not dissing eachother to the ****. And any ways I cant use better refrences, if thats how it is in the movie, im going for looking like the movei, and thoes are no where near final textures and theres still alot of detail to be put in, which im doing now. (Pipes heaters, lights , light switches etc)

2004-02-15, 7:14 AM #9
  • The textures are bland, and misaligned.
  • You have lightspots without actual sources, while the source doesn't create a lightspot!
  • The toilets just look messy. Use patch meshes.
  • Sincere lack of detail. Add some support brushes, pipelines, wall lights, you name it.
  • Use your artistic freedom! Get rid of the blockyness, add som,e slanted walls, support pillars against the wall to break up repetivity, etcetera.

Map-Review | Digital Core | The Matrix: Unplugged

Farewell, MaDaVentor. In our hearts, you'll always live on.
2004-02-15, 7:19 AM #10
Sorry, but it really isn't that good.

Home is behind, the world ahead, and there are many paths to tread. Through shadow, to the edge of night, until the stars are all alight. Mist and shadow, cloud and shade, all shall fade, all shall fade.
Someone wrote this over one of the urinals: "The joke isn't on the wall; it's in your hand." - BV
2004-02-15, 7:26 AM #11
WIP=work in progress=NOT FINISHED YET!!!! And don't diss one of the best Bond movies.

And this topic isn't used for commenting on level work, it's used for joining a TC.

You can't kill......the xizor.
You can't kill......the xizor.
2004-02-15, 7:38 AM #12
Ok gothic you obviously cant read, so I wont waste my time posting a big thread, Im just gonna quote from my last post.

"and thoes are no where near final textures"

"theres still alot of detail to be put in"

"(Pipes heaters, lights , light switches etc)"

and in the movie thats how it looked, so I aint making obscure walls coz you tell me to. Im going for move replication not gothic's gay interpritation.

2004-02-15, 7:40 AM #13
Nicely said.

You can't kill......the xizor.
You can't kill......the xizor.
2004-02-15, 7:40 AM #14
So, now I'm homosexual because I happen to know a thing or two about level design? That's not how we make friends where I come from.

Map-Review | Digital Core | The Matrix: Unplugged

Farewell, MaDaVentor. In our hearts, you'll always live on.
2004-02-15, 7:51 AM #15
No where in the aboive post did I say "GothicX is gay!" and I dont see it there, if you do please copy paste it so I can see where i say "Gothicx is gay!" All i see when I look is "gothics gay interpritation" which is something compleetly different than calling you a homosexual. I am calling your idea of how the goldeneye facility toilets should be, homosexual.

2004-02-15, 7:52 AM #16
cant edit the above to fix my topos........ how dumb is that.

2004-02-15, 7:53 AM #17
And unless you live in Russia, gothicx, then you won't know what the toilets there look like. And he didn't call u homosexual.

You can't kill......the xizor.
You can't kill......the xizor.
2004-02-15, 7:53 AM #18
ahahaha did another one, and I cant go fix it, I cant see the edit button.

2004-02-15, 7:55 AM #19
Indeed. By the way, I notice you need "Coders, coders, and C-O-D-E-R-S for SP."

I have some bad news for you. You're not going to find any Coders, coders, and C-O-D-E-R-S for SP, because there aren't any Coders, coders, or C-O-D-E-R-S for SP. The reason is that the Source, source, and S-O-U-R-C-E for JA singleplayer hasn't been released yet. And it never will be. Therefore, it's impossible to Code, code, and C-O-D-E for JA Singleplayer, and therefore basically impossible to create a large-scale singleplayer mod. [] Sorry, just thought you might like to know, so you won't spend your valuable time and energy on a project that's impossible to complete. Thrawn out.

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)

The Matrix: Unplugged

I'm a C4D b****!
2004-02-15, 7:58 AM #20
well if theres no Coders, coders and C-O-D-E-R-S how ever he did it, How are shibby projects like the matrix unplugged going forwards?

2004-02-15, 7:59 AM #21
But the Dark Forces TC for JA already has some coding done!

You can't kill......the xizor.
You can't kill......the xizor.
2004-02-15, 8:03 AM #22
HOLF THE FORT! GothicX I finaly realised what you meant by the toilets looking shibby, I did make the toilets with patchmeshes. Just I dident make the urinels, They were models that I found and used just to give my self a idea of what it would look like. Ill make my own sometimes, in the close future.

2004-02-15, 8:34 AM #23
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by ScOrPiOn:
well if theres no Coders, coders and C-O-D-E-R-S how ever he did it, How are shibby projects like the matrix unplugged going forwards?

MP code is released. SP isn't.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by SotE_Xizor1:
But the Dark Forces TC for JA already has some coding done!

That's what they call coding. I'd prefer to call it 'tweaking CFG files.'

Map-Review | Digital Core | The Matrix: Unplugged

Farewell, MaDaVentor. In our hearts, you'll always live on.
2004-02-15, 8:39 AM #24
I think it looks good it just needs some lighting adjustments but I do understand it's a work in progress. Keep it up.
2004-02-15, 10:11 AM #25
Thanks man, now theres a guy who appreciates the 3 letters of WIP.

2004-02-15, 1:40 PM #26
Whoa. There is life in this forum.

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)
2004-02-15, 4:23 PM #27
Takes cover.. Well it is close to the movie.. Can be alittle more flouresant tan and alittle brighter.. Just remember, Maps arnt about perfection.. Its what be can do to make it work right.. Our best.. So chill and relaxe.. Dont take it serious.. PLEASE dont take it serious.. Alright.. now breath.. and we all should be happy right? If not then.. I would say admins will catch wind.. Remember, the majority of massassians are kids... So keep it clean fella's!

-- [url=""][/url]</A>--The Bounty Hunters Arc Forum--Firehound Inc.--
-- Bounty Hunters Arc Forum--Firehound Inc.--
2004-02-15, 10:10 PM #28
I think this project of yours looks and sounds quite promising. Sure, it still needs a little bit of work, but after that, it will be great.

It's a cruel truth that in our reality most rooms are boxy, if you take the furniture out. That's just how the real world works. And that's how it must be in a map. That's why I do not think there a lot wrong in your map. I think it is a very decent interpretation of a toilet. However, it is also true that maps should have details to look interesting. That's a mapping truth.

I suggest you throw in some old newspapers lying on the floor. Make a dead light bulb, and place a ladder under it as if somebody had intended to change the broken light. Add some boxes of hand towels to some corner. Add there the one vending machine you find only in men's toilet...

This day we fight
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2004-02-16, 12:43 AM #29
Ah, now thoes are good ideas my friend. Ill take some of them into consideration :-D. See gothicx why can you say stuff like that?

2004-02-16, 1:49 AM #30
Maybe add a shiny shader to those tiles.

And you do realise that many TCs die out. You got to put alot of effort to make them live.

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)
2004-02-16, 4:23 PM #31
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by ScOrPiOn:
well if theres no Coders, coders and C-O-D-E-R-S how ever he did it, How are shibby projects like the matrix unplugged going forwards?


Let me point out that I'm the founder and co-leader of The Matrix Unplugged, so I know a little what I'm talking about, anyway. []
2004-02-16, 7:25 PM #32
Dont discredit me for what may be prejudice. I mean no intention of name calling or mis-use of critic. This is to set the fcts straight. However, you are a very nice mapper. If ya want new gun models, Bondish. Ask for modelers. Maps can be made easy because you have the talent. Coders well. You can feel free e-mailing me with whaty you want done. Maybe I can see what I could do for you.

Ya matrix unplugged is going to be a good mod/TC. But the secret to the Sp coding part is.. Just well done animations on melee combat with the style of re-dubbed saber configs. And slow down game time works with behaved. I do not doubt the mod/TC. But yes there is coding for the matrix mod/tc. But since raven and so many other people had said this.
Thats if ya wanna make your own game. Knock yourself out! If ya want true coders, ask for those know work on "MP" projects. However, "SP" projects are easy to do for yourself. They are just config files already there for you to re-configure. Good luck on the MP part.

-- [url=""][/url]</A>--The Bounty Hunters Arc Forum--Firehound Inc.--
-- Bounty Hunters Arc Forum--Firehound Inc.--
2004-02-19, 3:28 PM #33
Well, right now I have 1 coder, 1 modeller, 4 mappers, and I think one of them can texture. The mappers are working on level 1, 2, 3, and 13. We're still looking for applications!

We also got the following characters to have voice acting: Jack Wade, 006, and Bond

You can't kill......the xizor.
You can't kill......the xizor.
2004-02-19, 9:24 PM #34
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by SotE_Xizor1:
The mappers are working on level 1, 2, 3, and 13.</font>

Level 13? Are you serious? Do you have thirteen or even more levels? Are you sure you are not trying to reach a bit too far? That many levels demand either a great deal of dedicated mappers, or that the levels are very small or scarcely detailed, and either of those choices are not plausible.

Maybe your should reconsider a little bit the number of levels, and invest more on general quality than the amount of .bsps. It would also help to finish the campaign in good time, which is a fact directly related to the degree of success of projects like this, I think.

This day we fight
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2004-02-20, 5:14 AM #35
I know a lot of levels witch are very short but they look so good, you want to know why?
Then my answer is the vetex and edge using, newly introduced textures, the beautiful mapping of houses, that is what make a level a good one

-thank you man, raly appriciate it
2004-02-20, 5:35 AM #36
I think that 'need help' is forgetting other elements - originality, curve usage, scripting, you name it.

Map-Review | Digital Core | The Matrix: Unplugged

Farewell, MaDaVentor. In our hearts, you'll always live on.
2004-02-20, 8:04 AM #37
Sorry gothickx []

-thank you man, raly appriciate it
2004-02-20, 8:11 AM #38
13 levels is a bit too much, I dident know we had 13. But if we do, do 13 or more. And their nice and long and nice. Wont be be amazing? (I just watched Goldeneye now hehe I got bored ^.^ )

2004-02-20, 11:24 AM #39
Well.. if we are to follow the movie.. I see 5-6 levels being played honestly.. 3-4 are cut scenes..

-- [url=""][/url]</A>--The Bounty Hunters Arc Forum--Firehound Inc.--
-- Bounty Hunters Arc Forum--Firehound Inc.--
2004-02-21, 12:31 PM #40
lol, you mean making the pre-titles 1 big long level instead of 3? I don't see how you can do the tank chase, the pre-titles, MI6, the car race, etc in 6 levels.

You can't kill......the xizor.
You can't kill......the xizor.

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