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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Map Maker's NEEDED!
Map Maker's NEEDED!
2004-03-17, 2:20 AM #1
WARNING, for JKO, NWN, or a downloadable program (that is free! ) Map Makers ONLY!

Yes, they still make me. ^_^ ...that's the answer you get from me if you say, "Alex, I'll take idiot morons for 1000," ....oh wait....that wasn't in the form of a question! NOOOOOOOOO!

Anyways, now that I have cooled you off with a bucket of water...

-tosses a bucket of water on those who did not laugh at my superior joke-

If you did NOT get what I posted in the main discussion forum, then I'm here to post it again. How lovely, isn't it?

Now, what exactly do I need? Anyone. Everyone... okay, Anyone?

I need at least one person who can create maps after my flimsy designs... I don't care if your amateur or not, I need them.

What is it I need?

1. Lovely (<-we'll be the judge of exactly how loverly it needs to be.) backgrounds mainly. If anyone can also hack into Vendetta and get me that marvelous background area pic, I'd be JUST as happy....

2. CASTLES....lots of castles. Interior, exterior...and villages.

3. A 2 story Inn, placed in the woods... or just the Inn will do quite nicely. (I'll email details if needed.

4. A woods map would be fine...I don't care if you got to use the same tree over and over again it's all good.

5. An interior of a Millennium Falcon-ish ship, or any ship of about that same size. A bridge that is similar to the Outlaw Star's would be nice, a deck hallway extending to the bridge, that comes from the main body of the ship. The main body includes a ramp, some engineering in the back (Where the Engines are.) and a cozy little living room just outside the hallway. (We're okay if you JUST now had no idea what I demanded. I've got pictures 3D and 2D.)

6. A city, preferably a modern city... with at least 12 sky scrapers. Again, repeated buildings are fine. We'll need night and day versions of these also complete with street lights and dark alleys..and if possible, cool vehicles including cars, swoop bikes, back to the future-ish cars.....we don't care. After all, they're optional!

7. Anything you got that is of a fantasy/sci-fi map. (That's pretty much all of them)

Now that you're done looking at our extensive list (or skipping over it to see the point of this) I would like to inform you that, YES! Money is a possibility, but I wouldn't count on it. We're a team of 3 right now and we're splitting any costs to this project pretty even. But we're not entirely sure that ANY money will come in. If it does, we'll contact you! But we really hope your just being a sport and contributing these because you love us. (And want us to shut up)

Now, that that's over with... what are we doing? A WEB-COMIC! Confused? I am too! We're all on the same page. Excellent.

Now I'm not going to confess that I'm from another country and pretend my dialect is horrible because of that...because after all I did say somewhere around here the word Armature, and we all no foreign people know what THAT means. (J/k and apologizes if you just happen to be foreign and know what amateur means. I'm not making fun of you..just other people who do that. Yes, people do that.) Why am I delivering this way? Who knows... it's either the brain is fried because of under sleep, or becuz of the caffeine....I hate it when I repeat myself!


Oh fine! Well, anyways, if you have in your possession one of these mods and would like to donate them (IOW, say it's okay we can use them!!!) Or would like to begin working on one or several of these for us... EXCELLENT!

Contact me if you laughed at least once in this email at


PS, you don't get bonus points for correcting my grammar, it's the law!

GAH! I forgot the website! Here it is...

There you go!

[This message has been edited by Pseudodonn7 (edited March 17, 2004).]
2004-03-17, 2:49 AM #2
I hope your art is better than your grammar. Because that basically sucks.

Map-Review | Digital Core | The Matrix: Unplugged

Farewell, MaDaVentor. In our hearts, you'll always live on.
2004-03-17, 3:48 AM #3
XD Nice try....NEXT!

[This message has been edited by Pseudodonn7 (edited March 17, 2004).]
2004-03-17, 4:18 AM #4
Well... That was a lot of text. Sure it was. I began to understand what you are after about halfway through it all. Well, I don't map for any free games, so I can only wish you luck. You are for sure gonna need all the luck you can get...

Frozen by ICARUS
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2004-03-17, 4:20 AM #5
Thank you. (Sorry for these quick replies, after all, I JUST posted this. Heh, but I'm not like checking every minute, I'm just at the website at the momment and looking at maps...btw, YOU GUYS ALL OF YOU ARE GREAT!!! .. I just want to say that!)
2004-03-17, 4:38 AM #6
WTF!? I am serious, What The Friend14!? You want what for who for how much?


"I was driving along listening to the radio, when Judas Priest comes on. It was 'You've got another thing coming.' All of a sudden, I enter 'VICE CITY RAMAGE MODE' and nearly ran some guy over"
- ]-[ellequin
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-03-17, 4:54 AM #7
First. THAT YOKE WAS BAD!!! And i hate it to be WET!!!

Second, i cant really get the point of your story, bad grammer, just like my story's and grammer is []

-thank you man, raly appriciate it
2004-03-17, 12:07 PM #8
I always wanted to do a castle...
I'll think about it, but I'm hard at work on my Chamelion map...(*cough*likely*cough*)Sorry, sore throat...
I'll give you a definite maybe.

I am Beren Elanesse,
Knight of the White Sword!
2004-03-17, 12:11 PM #9
Well i read about the first 5 lines. Then it got all confusing and you skipped lines all the time and it got annoying. Im not going to help make the map even though i could. Besides ive got other things i need to do at the moment and im quite busy.

Madquack and Firbnic have a signature.
Remnant Temple Part A beta test.
Light And Darkness
I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue
2004-03-17, 1:12 PM #10
Do it yourself. And I can't see this a serious project. No plans or layout...

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)
2004-03-17, 1:52 PM #11
Heh, if you can't have a sense of humor or cannot read... you've already failed the test. Yes there was a test.

Anyways, in a more 'serious' note. I do need a level maker and I'm thrilled I got a maybe...

I'll see about contacting you, I've got all kinds of ideas you can try and incorporate, and I'd love to hear what you think it should all look like...all and all, more talk from you I want. []

As for the people who couldn't handle my tone, I will make it painfully obvious for you, read my title. Is it hard?

Summary: I need you to make levels of a fantasy/ sci-fi realm. A (modern) city, A forest, An Inn (Modern or Old World or Both), And a Ship Interior.

There, I hoped that help. I again apologize for my behavior, and I AM taking this project seriously. But I've been working for 2 years on backgrounds. Finding and making them, and it's become frustraiting. As you can see on my site, the process has been slow (Hence the frustraition.) So excuse me for being WEIRD! If you were to stay in my world, you'd go nuts too! However, I'm not inviting you into it. I just want you to make it. (Tame it if you will.) So my mind can shut up and I can sleep at night, and make fun comics. (And get the heck off this board. I'm sure I'm wasting SOME peoples time.)

Further more, if you guys who were insulting me flaming me. -snickers- Try harder...

Thanks for all your replys.
2004-03-17, 3:18 PM #12


Don't get your hopes up, but I may change me mind on paying for the level. If you have a mod or willing to make a mod.

(Please, it's gotta be JUST, I'm sorry if that's a pain, for me and not put on a site... that DOES destroy any reason to pay you.)

However, I'm willing to NOW negotiate terms of purchase. Fun, eh? The price has to be right of course. Hopefully nothing in the 4 digits. That's just insane. You're not Han Solo for cripes sakes and I don't care if you DID make the Kessel run in 50 or even 5 par secs!
2004-03-17, 8:20 PM #13
Paying someone isn't going to get you stuff done.

Map-Review | Digital Core | The Matrix: Unplugged

Farewell, MaDaVentor. In our hearts, you'll always live on.
2004-03-18, 7:13 AM #14
As fun as this all goes, (It's not, it's rather embaressing and boring), I've taken to some advice on this Topic (and others)

But I'm delayed (AND THATS BAD!!!) And it's not my fault! Yippie! The site where I can download this new program that GothicX says beats the crap out of JK2Radient... called GTK? GKT? Anyways, the site dies promptly after I go there and I can't get the download before it dies.

If JK2Radient is useless to me, and I can't get the program to make levels......then my only other choice is to accept that this is acctually the only way to get a custom made level for my Web-Comic series.

Here are now replyers two options: Provide me with a mirror site, or let me talk you into making only one Map. The one I really need now is just the Inn. I might be able to just use several other Levels to furfill the others (except maybe the city level) But I really need the Inn.
2004-03-18, 12:15 PM #15
1. GTK Radiant is all over, you obviously haven't looked all that hard.

2. No one is going to want to make your levels for money. It's a hobbie, maybe you should pick one up... like doing your own levels?

3. Do your own levels. A lot of people do, you can too.

4. Why in the world would you want to make a mod for a webcomic? It's obviously an inside-joke type of a web-comic, and about 4 people would be happy to play it.

5. Use grammer.

6. WTF!? You are honestly not feeling well, are you?!


"I was driving along listening to the radio, when Judas Priest comes on. It was 'You've got another thing coming.' All of a sudden, I enter 'VICE CITY RAMAGE MODE' and nearly ran some guy over"
- ]-[ellequin
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-03-18, 12:36 PM #16
double - u. tee. eff, mate.

Current Maps | Inclusion | Restless Endeavor

There is a thin line between insanity and stupidity. I am that line.
Current Maps | Newest Map
2004-03-18, 7:15 PM #17
I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Some people have already said they would do it, but not for free!

I already have a hobbie and I have other things to do with this webcomic besides it's backgrounds. If anyone here has made a webcomic, you'd understand how hard backgrounds can come by. As for my reasons for them being in 3D. That's for me to know and you to find out.

Also, I don't WANT anyone to play them.

And called me rather well on not finding it. [] But it is true that two websites who claim to host it cannot load on my computer.

My basic problem is time/ college/ and work. I also, have to fit in doing little things for this comic (And bigger things mind you) I cannot be bothered with grammer ('sides, your administrators say I don't HAVE to speak'th well)

Further More: Why by the milk when you can get the cow for free?

You: Did you just call me a VVhor3?

Me: No no! ....erm.. I ..was...

You: Yes, you did! You just called me a S1ut!!

Me: No, I was just saying....

You: Get in the base, n00b... and watch over the flag!

Me: UM! ...sorry about calling you a s1ut.

You: I am going to KILL you!

[This message has been edited by Pseudodonn7 (edited March 18, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by Pseudodonn7 (edited March 18, 2004).]
2004-03-19, 5:55 AM #18
Fine. Be sure to update for people to see where it goes.

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)
2004-03-19, 6:34 AM #19
Huh? Echoman, are you on the right board? What update?

-hads a trophie to Echoman- Now I am confused.

2004-03-19, 12:34 PM #20
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Pseudodonn7:
I cannot be bothered with grammer ('sides, your administrators say I don't HAVE to speak'th well)</font>

If you have any hopes on getting help, you'd better at least try. I didn't know what you wanted until your 4th post. There's a difference between using propper grammer and not making sense. I don't care if you can spell well (I sure can't) and if you don't know english well, I understand. But the majorety of your bad language is simply the transition between speach and typing. If I mapped I'd be perfectly willing to help you, but I don't. I'm sure if you spoke in a more readable context people would also be kind you help you.

All's I'm saying is that you might want to try being a bit more subtle. A lot of people have other people make levels for them, it's just about the way you go about it.


"I was driving along listening to the radio, when Judas Priest comes on. It was 'You've got another thing coming.' All of a sudden, I enter 'VICE CITY RAMAGE MODE' and nearly ran some guy over"
- ]-[ellequin
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-03-22, 2:42 AM #21
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Pseudodonn7:
XD Nice try....NEXT!</font>

umm, if i recall correctly GothicX is one of the better mappers here, correct me if im wrong. Also you have the wrong attitude for someone who wants to have others does his work for him....

EDIT- GOOD GOD MAN... At least include a drawing of Morgoth/illuvatar on your site....if you dont know who that is, theres no point in explaining (yes i know you are showcasing your own characters but still..)
Life is too important to take seriously.
~Oscar Wilde

[This message has been edited by Aikanaro (edited March 22, 2004).]
There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.
~ Oscar Levant
2004-03-22, 8:49 AM #22
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Blood Asp:
double - u. tee. eff, mate.


Wow, I understood that joke a week later... []

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)
2004-03-22, 10:16 PM #23
Wow, I'm glad this didn't die. 'least I can make me appologie here. Okay, thanks. I'm prolly not of the brightest of moods and I suppose I shouldn't blame anyone for it. Like I said, my behavior isn't because I'm a mean old miser, or the fact I make no sense isn't because I'm foreign. It's because I'm insane. Not insane in the bad way, but readily filled with plot characters worlds and shtuff!

First I'd like to address Gothic X and Echoman. I've seen their work. It's fantastic. I like it alot, and if I had only that to judge their character, I'd say they are one of the top ten individual artists I've ever met. (Online count's, yo!) And I respect them in my own way. I appologize if I seemed disrespectful, but I have a slight problem with -groups- and -majorities- Which means I don't like to sometimes play by the rules, but I'm no means a person who has problem with authority. Just Majority. []

Outcast is the best term to describe myself (Which is rather funny)

I'm use to being prodded and laughed at. (I got a lot in Highschool and even more during Jr. High) And this was before I devloped such an shotty snotty attitude. This is why I have it. So I take people who don't understand me and who don't think I can make it or just judge me on misunderstandings as a big sign that that person is not worth my time even if they are talented or popular.

But I'm rather forgiving and I don't hold grudges (Grudges go into my short term memory, so unless you hang me naked on a flag pole, it's all good.)

I don't like flamers, but I don't hate them. * there really hasn't been any on this post, really* They only amuse me, and so short answer posts just make me laugh instead of mad. (Except, I must admit, they do annoy me when I can't even tell what they are WTFing about.. heh)

Anyways, thats all. Thanks Echoman, got it on the updates now....I'll make sure to put all these through a spell checker eventually. Taking down some of these more offensive posts and the request to remove the board.....since no one got it. I guess.

Also, I'm still looking for a mapper, email me. It's the only way. Be sure to title it MAPER NEEDED I am sure my email's here somewhere. All caps works. No viruses please, they just make my computer fat. (And slow) It's on a diet if you will.

I AM modifiying and making levels on my own, but it's a tedious and slow process. (Along with all my other activities, and hobbies) So the help is appreciated.

No harm no foul to anyone that thinks I'm mad at them. (I'm not, I'm just frustraited at my situation.)

I enjoy all your comments (Well most of them) And I am glad this topic lasted this long. (Longer than my last one where I was less offensive and more subtle. Heh)

Anyways, may the Force be with you, Massassi Editors.
2004-03-22, 10:23 PM #24
EDIT- GOOD GOD MAN... At least include a drawing of Morgoth/illuvatar on your site....if you dont know who that is, theres no point in explaining (yes i know you are showcasing your own characters but still..)

Ooooh ooooh I JUST caught this, I mistook it as a signature.

I'd LOVE to explain this all to you, but I can't. W/o spoiling it. I got tons of characters. TONS and tons of stories. These three are the guys who start the ball rolling. They've been around for 5 or 6 years... and they've evolved into background characters in my latest stories. But all will be made clear soon, still working on the site. I am only including characters I made because I know they'll be in the story. As for any 'guest stars' Heh. [] That's a possible ten four on a big Maybe.

Morgoth? You obviously haven't heard of Xearn. Check up on me in 10 years. That site will be busting with something (or closed.) XD I'll update regularly on it's process JUST for you. (Unless you tell me too)

Me <-excited JUST because someone went to the profiles

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