I've heard that .ASE models have colide detection by default but I've never gotten it to work.
Here's a sample map that has a single .ase file used to create the terrain.
.md3 models will not have colilsion by default, after they are compile it's just textured triangles floating, no colision stuff.
well I was assuming the level was already made in GTK since your hitting the limit,
it would make more sense to me to just convert what was already made to .ase and you're there.
does that make sense?
model terrain is the only way I can think of to get past that limit.
I'm certain it's possible to give the model collision but I've never done it so I can't give alot of help,
again the splash damage forum is the place to look, you might be able to find your answer just by searching.
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
Grace is the
Pleasure of God to magnify the
Worth of God by
enabling sinners to
delight in God without compromising the
Glory of God.
-J. Piper