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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Question about black sabers
Question about black sabers
2004-05-16, 8:25 PM #1
I can't figure out what file(s) to edit to make the saber black, I got it white but then the trail is orange.

Any idea's/suggestions?
2004-05-16, 9:51 PM #2
Black is impossible.
2004-05-17, 5:59 AM #3
True, but is supose its possible to make a really-really-really-dark grey saber (don't know for sure. I'll ask Fragment. he has a habit of tweeking his saber settings)

"Iraqniphobia - The fear of non-existant weapons of mass-destruction."
50000 episodes of badmouthing and screaming like a constipated goat cant be wrong. - Mr. Stafford
2004-05-17, 7:47 AM #4
You could try a 244 244 244 one..
2004-05-17, 8:42 AM #5
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Black is impossible.</font>

Well I wouldn't say that a totally black saber is impossible...

You can do it through coding like Tchouky did but thats a little too much work for one saber effect.
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2004-05-17, 9:10 AM #6
No, you can't, since the blending functions it uses filter pure black.
2004-05-17, 10:08 AM #7
K, so how about a dark grey saber that has a trail like normal sabers? What files must I edit to do this? I got it white but I can't get it darker or change the trail of it []
2004-05-19, 1:25 PM #8
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">What files must I edit to do this?</font>

Editing blurcore.jpg, blurglow.jpg, and swordtrail.jpg along with the specific glow color of the saber your editing should give you the desired effect. []

And to gothix you can get black sabers but not through editing assets files. See this

[This message has been edited by Freyr (edited May 19, 2004).]
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2004-05-22, 7:08 AM #9
48266 files in pk3 files
Loading dll file jampgame.
------- Game Initialization -------
gamename: basejka
gamedate: Nov 6 2003
Loading dll file ui.
Loading dll file cgame.
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
Requested feature was omitted at compile time

What happened?
2004-05-22, 11:33 AM #10
What is name of your pk3 file that you put the new effects in? And list the folders and files that are in it.

Either that or you video card doesn't support OpenGl and suddenly stopped working, but that is higly doubtful. []
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2004-05-22, 4:00 PM #11
I over-wrote the ones in my assets01.pk3 file.
2004-05-22, 11:04 PM #12
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Freyr:
And to gothix you can get black sabers but not through editing assets files. See this</font>

You appear not to have had a good lok at that. You can only have 244 244 244 black, not 255 255 255.
2004-05-23, 1:36 AM #13
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">I over-wrote the ones in my assets01.pk3 file.</font>

Ok, that could be your problem.

I'd reccomend reinstalling the .pk3 files from the CD and then creating a new .pk3 (and different name) with the


folders in it. Nothing else though. Then put that in your base and you should not have any errors on your load.
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2004-05-23, 11:24 AM #14
thx []
2004-05-23, 1:46 PM #15
Isn't there a non-additive shader blend mode?

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.

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