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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Problems
2004-05-23, 9:07 AM #1
1) Models aren't getting lit. (Except two which have 'Shader Not Found' in Radiant, but work fine in game). They still get lit when you put a lightsaber next to them, though, You can see non-lit models in my 'First Map' showcase thread.

2) I can't do the vis stage. q3map2 can't find the .prt file - it doesn't exist. Is this because I have a leak in my map, or for some other reason?
2004-05-23, 9:58 AM #2
In reply to 2-
If you have a leak in your map, the vis stage won't complete, and the .prt won't be created. This then messes up the rest of the process. GTKRadiant shows you where the leaks are in your map, so if you're using JK2Radiant, stop.

Have you ever been philosophical? It's pretty fun.
Well don't just sit there, REPLY!!!
2004-05-23, 10:02 AM #3
Thanks, I am using GtkRadiant - I'll fix that
2004-05-23, 10:34 AM #4
Do you have detail brushes around your models? That makes it solid, but I think it also lights it.

Yay! +1 for the person who doesn't edit JA!


<]-[ellequin> Nothing is quite as satisfying as placing a .177 lead pellet in between the eyes of a cat.
<]-[ellequin> I think I will leave it's corpse there, to warn all the other cats to keep out of my hibiscus patch

Live on, Adam.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-05-24, 2:44 AM #5
1) there is a key/value you put on models to make them lightmapped. i can't remember it off the top of my head right now.

2) you could have a leak, but i doubt that is causing the .prt problem. if your map is large, or if you have the entire map built out of structural brushes, that could cause the problem.

Current Maps | Inclusion | Restless Endeavor

There is a thin line between insanity and stupidity. I am that line.
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2004-05-24, 3:39 AM #6
Asp and Kirby are both wrong.

Use a misc_model_static.
2004-05-24, 12:24 PM #7
Oh yeah? Well GothicX is a poop-head!


<]-[ellequin> Nothing is quite as satisfying as placing a .177 lead pellet in between the eyes of a cat.
<]-[ellequin> I think I will leave it's corpse there, to warn all the other cats to keep out of my hibiscus patch

Live on, Adam.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-05-24, 1:21 PM #8
usually if ya do plan to pk3 the files so you can make the mod work in JA without devmap.. make sure the file paths are right.. if they are, use every possible suggestion one step at a time. The more you learn, is out of doing one solution at a time. From basic (gothix idea) to alittle more advanced (asp and kirby).

I would of said google it, but map centre is really a good place to read stuff on. Consider reading each thread carefully, because they do make sense once you start to know what it all means. Well let us know the end results man. Thats when they get done.

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