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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → HELP with map making!
HELP with map making!
2004-05-21, 10:29 AM #1
I would like to know of all jedi academy editing tools and any tutorials on how to use them, if you can help me please say and make a list below. THANKS!
2004-05-21, 3:00 PM #2
Your brain.

<]-[ellequin> Nothing is quite as satisfying as placing a .177 lead pellet in between the eyes of a cat.
<]-[ellequin> I think I will leave it's corpse there, to warn all the other cats to keep out of my hibiscus patch

Live on, Adam.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-05-21, 5:11 PM #3 (the editor, select for JA pack)

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)


The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info
2004-05-21, 11:28 PM #4
I know about radiant, but how do people make stuff like new menus for choosing sabers and stuff?
2004-05-21, 11:45 PM #5
They use Notepad.
2004-05-22, 12:34 AM #6
If you want a nice collection of links to different sites offering tutorials and such, have a look at LJ's Link page under:

Otherwise, after you have mastered the basic stuff, it will be hard to find broad tutorials. There are some specific tutorials about weather, entity suns etc., but otherwise it's just random resources, like the shader manuals, or a huge amount of thread entries on forums (here, Lucasforums, some other forums). Use the forums' search functions. You might be surprised of the amount of answers you can find that way, if you just know how to phrase your search correctly.

Frozen by ICARUS
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2004-05-22, 2:01 AM #7
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">I know about radiant, but how do people make stuff like new menus for choosing sabers and stuff?</font>

They code it.

Check out LucasForums for people who know more about that kind of stuff.
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2004-05-22, 2:23 AM #8
Yes i know they code it u idiot, but do any of you know how to, i want to know how to!
2004-05-22, 3:34 AM #9

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)


The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info
2004-05-22, 6:11 AM #10
Calling people idiots doesn't get you answeres. Not to mention the fact that everyone's replies have been correct, especially considering your lack of elaboration on your question. People use Notepad, to code, with their brain, and if needed, with forum antries and tutorials. If you need any more help, you're just lacking in modivation, a brain, and notepad. Congradulations.


<]-[ellequin> Nothing is quite as satisfying as placing a .177 lead pellet in between the eyes of a cat.
<]-[ellequin> I think I will leave it's corpse there, to warn all the other cats to keep out of my hibiscus patch

Live on, Adam.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-05-22, 8:06 AM #11
LOL, i asked if anyone knows how to, I can believe u actually posted that, u r a fool, u have to much spare time, either answre the very polite question i put forward or f*ck off!
2004-05-22, 8:32 AM #12
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Killa_Kevin:
...u r a fool, u have to much spare time, either answre the very polite question i put forward or f*ck off!</font>

You don't seem too "polite" to me...
Everyone has been right. I do JO, So I don't know about sabers, but look around you! So many tutorials, so little time...
Lucasforums, RichDiesal's Mapping University, all have tutorials, probably on exactly what you're looking for. The ui/menus in your assets#.pk3 has the files editable in Notepad.
2004-05-22, 11:44 AM #13
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Yes i know they code it u idiot</font>

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">or f*ck off!</font>

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">u r a fool</font>

If you expect people to help you out, you need to learn to be a whole lot nicer. You would do well to listen to Jedikirby.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">but do any of you know how to, i want to know how to!</font>

To the best of my knowledge there are 2 people on Massassi who are JO/JA coders: Myself and Aaron. I don't know about Aaron but I have some experience with advanced UI coding.

If you want to learn, find someone willing to teach you on LucasForums or talk to me when you learn to be more polite.

[This message has been edited by Freyr (edited May 22, 2004).]
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2004-05-22, 12:34 PM #14
Sorrt, I am going through a slightly stressful time. My uncle was shot yesterday 6 times in the chest in a small country called bahrain. Thankyou!

PS. Im jst a kid ye no going through a hard time, cut me a lil slack will ya?
2004-05-22, 6:56 PM #15
i know you are going trough a hard time. My dad was in coma for a while. But thank freyer anyway. I mean...F*ck off, u idiot. And then still he helps you! i should thank him

"007...Whats your name"
"The name is bond...James Bond"
"No, i mean your other codename"
"Dont tell this any further. Its need help"
2004-05-22, 9:22 PM #16
Ok, I get the point, but this thread is going a bit off topic. I just dont get how could u put all the information of where to put the new screen and stuff in a txt editor.
2004-05-22, 9:27 PM #17
P.S. AT the very start i posted a message asking the question, I believe it was very polite and if any of you were insulted by it please tell me what I said wrong, as jEDIkIRBY replied with "YOUR BRAIN" which, I can only understand to be an insult implying that i have a lack of one.
2004-05-22, 11:03 PM #18
No, that wasn't an insult, just Kirby's sense of humor. Made me chuckle.
2004-05-22, 11:25 PM #19
Fine, it's not my fault I misunderstood his bad joke, can we get back to the point please?
2004-05-23, 1:27 AM #20
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2"> I just dont get how could u put all the information of where to put the new screen and stuff in a txt editor.</font>

You can't, the txt files are just the front end of the User Interface. Basically variables are passed to the txt files from the C++ code and then the txt files are parsed and rendered according to those variables and other data.

If your really interested in this I reccomend you download the Source Development Kit and look at the UI section to get a good understanding of how User Interface is handled in the Quake3 Engine.

[This message has been edited by Freyr (edited May 23, 2004).]
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2004-05-23, 5:28 AM #21
I don't know about the coding system in JA, but there's no Spell Check in my C++ Syntax Checker.

if(var1 != 1){
set var1 = 1
}else {
lode JA dizc


<]-[ellequin> Nothing is quite as satisfying as placing a .177 lead pellet in between the eyes of a cat.
<]-[ellequin> I think I will leave it's corpse there, to warn all the other cats to keep out of my hibiscus patch

Live on, Adam.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-05-23, 6:39 AM #22
2004-05-24, 7:24 AM #23
Let me get this straight here: you ask for help in "map making" (ie mapping) in the thread title, and then ask for info on UI coding in the thread itself. its no wonder that it took so long for someone to give you any info at all.

BTW: props to Freyr for posting info on coding. I wouldn't have helped you now matter how tough a time you were going through had you spoken that way to me.

"Iraqniphobia - The fear of non-existant weapons of mass-destruction."
50000 episodes of badmouthing and screaming like a constipated goat cant be wrong. - Mr. Stafford
2004-05-24, 9:40 AM #24
man, you need to learn some respect. If you want help with-in the editing community, you're going to have to be a little, no ALOT nicer. It seems that you think by cussing at people they will help you. Hmmm seems that you were wrong again. Keep this up and you'll be banned in an instant, if you already arn't

"Whats your name"
"No, whats your real name"
Proud member of the Co-op
Flipsides crackers are the best crackers to have ever existed
2004-05-24, 12:23 PM #25
He's pretty much the only one who cussed, thus he received my treatment.


<]-[ellequin> Nothing is quite as satisfying as placing a .177 lead pellet in between the eyes of a cat.
<]-[ellequin> I think I will leave it's corpse there, to warn all the other cats to keep out of my hibiscus patch

Live on, Adam.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-05-24, 3:41 PM #26
where is the love! (killa read under this paragraph, it refers to you mostly.)

hey freyr, aaron is what you call more of a app coder. working on dvd projects, that kinda coding. I belive once he made a mod menu app for JK. Still floating around somewhere on his ftp site at home. he knows coding for sure, but how much i dont know. he and myself are trying to conspire on making a rpg/co-op mod for ja. rpg as in interacting with npcs in some sorts. but man, we would like to know how to get the co-op stuff going? send me a line because I may want to do that. A intergration kinda thing. Special gameplay of the sort for MP.

and killa kevin, I would kindly listen to these guys. and SEARCH AND READ BEFORE POSTING!

So think and stop before you type something else up please. Save yourself embarrassement and to be on the bad side of admins. I have had a bad week last week. My occupation on gamingforums shown me as a mindless idiot.. proff of which is silentspanky.. gothix knows what I mean lol.. and yes, my friends did get hung by thier underwear on trees the day following.. never knew someones voice could go so high..

-- [url=""][/url]</A>--The Bounty Hunters Arc Forum--Firehound Inc.--
-- Bounty Hunters Arc Forum--Firehound Inc.--
2004-05-24, 11:05 PM #27
RPG/Co-op? Funny, you should try AOTCTC. []
2004-05-25, 3:05 AM #28
hhaha, well Savur, as you might know, Freyr and I have been working on an Co-op mod for months now. It's more Co-op than RPG, but it still has some RPG elements, like giving npc's commands and stuff. Mabey we could get together and talk about it on MSN sometime.

my MSN/E-mail is shorties@earthlinkDOTTTTTnet

"Whats your name"
"No, whats your real name"
Proud member of the Co-op
Flipsides crackers are the best crackers to have ever existed
2004-05-25, 8:53 AM #29
Gothix, I tried dl'n it. The beta, all I can say is.. I have played the SP game long enough, but yeah it does have rpg elemenets. When they really release a level with it, that will be the kicker!

Arkon11, well I added you to my msn. So yeah we can talk about it. Co-oP is a fun way to make a intresting gameplay.

A Hazard trooper type feeling of blowing away monsters. With a beefed up concusion rifle and repaeter rifle. Only difference it, conc rilfe fire will be rep alt fire. so when you use the rep alt fire your blowing alot more powerfull stuff away.

I will, however make it so when your in your troop garb in the game. Your a hazard trooper lookalike. Completely differently skined yes. So I guess this means new human male face skins. And some new torso/leg skins too. I am trying to get the hand signal to work in behaved. If I get it all done tonight, I may be lucky enough to get a cut-scene/of a mess hall done before alarms go off like crazy on aspecs of war.

-- [url=""][/url]</A>--The Bounty Hunters Arc Forum--Firehound Inc.--
-- Bounty Hunters Arc Forum--Firehound Inc.--
2004-05-27, 11:28 AM #30
settle down, guys. no need to start a flame war here.

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