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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Sky Shader Problem
Sky Shader Problem
2004-06-19, 6:33 AM #1
** I believe there was a problem similar to this earlier in the year. Although, I don't want to look back in Massassian history for it...


Any one know what is going on?

I'm using dm_coll as my sky shader.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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2004-06-19, 6:39 AM #2
I don't know but that is AWSOME

Maker of the Levels:
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Writer/Author of the fanfic: Dragonball Aftershock

_.~'AKA DBF_SuperSaiyan'~._
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2004-06-19, 7:14 AM #3
Come on, I really wonna start on this Level... for my project. I've got one building (almost done)... the one I'm standing in, and looking at the wierd lights. Later on next week, I'll begin to make skins/weapons for an upgrade of the project. PLEASE HELP.
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2004-06-19, 7:15 AM #4
The problem is that you can't put the brush which has glass on it and the brush which has sky shader on it touch each other. There must be some space between them.
There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2004-06-19, 8:18 AM #5
Heke7, there is a space between the glass and the sky shader. A very BIG space. Picture it as a small room, with a Greenhouse type building in it. That's what the level is like... so far.

I could get another screenie of it, but you really won't see anything because of the sky shader... problem. Help... PLZ! []
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2004-06-19, 9:39 AM #6
First, fit the glass shader to the pane. All those ugly spots will go away. dm_coll might look like that anyway...I don't have JA, but try another skybox instead.

Have you ever been philosophical? It's pretty fun.
Well don't just sit there, REPLY!!!
2004-06-19, 9:50 AM #7
What excactly do you mean by "pane"?

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2004-06-19, 10:52 AM #8
Make the glass detail.
2004-06-19, 3:49 PM #9
Oh dear God. That brings back memories (hey HistoryGuy, you been snooping around my hard-drive again?). I experienced the very same problem in my first map (way back, when i was utterly clueless about mappimg..... this hasn't changed much [])

Anyway, the problem your seeing is caused when you look at an un-sealed world through a pane of glass. There are a few skyboxes in JA that just plain don't work (they seal the world, but don't render and subsequently you see "the void").

Replace the skybox with one that works, compile, test, and then report back with some pics to show whether or not my suguestion worked.

"Iraqniphobia - The fear of non-existant weapons of mass-destruction."

[This message has been edited by Forsakahn (edited June 19, 2004).]
50000 episodes of badmouthing and screaming like a constipated goat cant be wrong. - Mr. Stafford
2004-06-19, 6:28 PM #10
What gothic said. There probably is nothing wrong with the sky shader at all. Its your room and all the glass needs to be made into a detail brush by pressing CTRL + M when the brush is selected. That should fix your problem.

Ya know ive noticed that turning into a grown up just means you have more power to change your body into crap.
Light And Darkness|Remnant Temple Part A|A work in progress
I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue
2004-06-20, 3:38 AM #11
OK. I'll try it later, right now, my dad wants me to work. [] Possibly around Tuesday or Wedsnday, I'll post a couple of screenies of my level for my upcoming project. And than, hopefully, the website.

Thanks for the help!
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2004-06-20, 6:33 AM #12
I found out the problem. It was the skyshader I chose. I changed it to a different one. I also found a leak in my map, but doesn't matter, I'm gonna work on a different skybox, and start the level over again. It wasn't that big. Thanks for the help though.
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2004-06-20, 11:42 AM #13
See all those dark spots on the windowpane? Select the panes, hit S, then hit "Fit". No more spots-Surface Inspector sounds like a detergent...

Have you ever been philosophical? It's pretty fun.
Well don't just sit there, REPLY!!!
2004-06-20, 3:36 PM #14
Aye. I knew I was forgetting something to get it ugly spots. BTW... the new level is coming along nicely. Same with the website. :P
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