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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Catastrophic error! Help please!
Catastrophic error! Help please!
2004-06-25, 10:42 AM #1
I installed GTK radiant once, but for what ever reason, I got rid of it. Then I decided I wanted to try editing again... I downloaded the newest version of GTK Radiant and ran the set up exe and got the folloing error.


I checked my add/remove programs list and GTKRADIANT is still there, and when i try to remove it from the list, I get the above error... so i can't install or remove! help!

Inter arma silent leges

[This message has been edited by Grant (edited June 26, 2004).]
The Gas Station
2004-06-25, 2:35 PM #2
the only thing i can think of for you to do is to delete it totaly, this wont get rid of everything, but it will get rid of a bulk of it, or you could just reinstall it and see if that works.

The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
2004-06-25, 2:41 PM #3
no, nothing is working!

There is already NO trace what so ever of GTK radiant on my computer, but it gets this msg when I try to install the program aswell as when I try clicking 'remove' on the icon in the list in ad/remove programs.

I don't know any way to fix it short of a re-format, which I have been considering for a while...

Inter arma silent leges
The Gas Station

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