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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → New Mod!!!
New Mod!!!
2004-06-29, 2:11 AM #1
Hey i am new to modding and i am planning to make a mod for Jedi Outcast because i do not have academy. I was wondering if anyone can point me to any useful tutorials,sites or anything you think might help me. I also have a question. Is it possible to put vehicles into jedi knight?
If anyone wants to know more about it please email me at or you can wait until i get my website built.

2004-06-29, 7:14 AM #2
Vehiciles are already in Jedi Outcast, look at the AT-ST and carts that you can ride in Jedi Outcast. But JA added alot more new "ridable" code for new Vehicles classes.

600th Post.
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2004-06-29, 1:59 PM #3
Well, first off, good luck with the Mod! I know how tiring it can be! I have tried and failed plenty of times. I hope to see a good mod.

Anyway, here are some sites you should look at. Consider getting Jedi Academy too. Its lots of fun. Good for Scripting.
Just Awesome tutorials! If you wanna learn cutscenes, go here! You can learn some good stuff from here! Goto the links and explore, you'll come up with some good stuff!

Good Luck and don't rush!


Jedi rocks rule the house...
Jedi rocks rule the house...
2004-06-29, 2:00 PM #4
Well, first off, good luck with the Mod! I know how tiring it can be! I have tried and failed plenty of times. I hope to see a good mod.

Anyway, here are some sites you should look at. Consider getting Jedi Academy too. Its lots of fun. Good for Scripting. Just Awesome tutorials! If you wanna learn cutscenes, go here! You can learn some good stuff from here! Goto the links and explore, you'll come up with some good stuff!

Good Luck and don't rush!


{Sorry for double posts}

Jedi rocks rule the house...

[This message has been edited by Jedi_Goon (edited June 29, 2004).]
Jedi rocks rule the house...
2004-06-30, 12:46 AM #5
Hey thanks a lot. I am presently saving for Starwars Battlefront(which is similar to what my mod will be) so i dont think buying academy is an option. at the moment I am concentrating on getting the website built so everyone can see what its about. it is pretty much a class based multiplayer battle set in the star wars universe. it will hopefully contain 6 classes. Rebels, Imperials, Trade Federation, Naboo/Gungans, Clone Army, Confederacy. it will also feature heros, a player who only one person can play and acts as a commander. i am aiming for 2 heros per side. Eg: Yoda and Mace windu for the clone army. thanks for the support as well Jedi_Goon.

and for those who say this is a ripoff of starwars battlefront isnt this every star wars fan's dream.
2004-06-30, 12:52 AM #6
Hey thanks for the help.
my mod is going to be called
Starwars - Crossfire it is a class based multiplayer game set in the star wars universe.
I hope to include Rebels, Imperials, Clonearmy, Trade federation, Confederacy and Naboo/Gungans
2004-06-30, 2:53 AM #7
Sounds like a good idea, keep us posted.

"Whats your name"
"No, whats your real name"
Proud member of the Co-op
Flipsides crackers are the best crackers to have ever existed
2004-06-30, 7:27 AM #8
you mean like star wars galactic battle grounds? thats a strategy, place your guys and move them type of game, there are no real moves and stuff, i dont know how you are going to do anything like that. please post when you have an idea of how you are going to do it.

The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
2004-06-30, 8:47 PM #9
It is a first person shooter but you choose a class of player to fight as, before you play. like bf 1942

for example in a map of rebels vs imperials you would select which team (either rebels or imperials) and then the class you wish to fight as.

the game is nothing like galactic battlegrounds understand now.

(sorry for the double post didnt realise there was a delay)
2004-07-01, 5:11 AM #10
Please make a Jedi Knight MOD!!!!!!!!

Sprite Mod (JO 2003)
SpriteMod (JO 2003) Roger Wilco Skin

Snail racing: (500 posts per line) ---@%
2004-07-01, 11:47 AM #11
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Brad_Mclain:
Hey thanks for the help.
my mod is going to be called
Starwars - Crossfire it is a class based multiplayer game set in the star wars universe.
I hope to include Rebels, Imperials, Clonearmy, Trade federation, Confederacy and Naboo/Gungans

That sounds awesome! I can't wait to see it. I also have Jedi Outcast so I can't wait to see how it turns out! Just keep us posted!

Jedi rocks rule the house...
Jedi rocks rule the house...

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