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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → tutorial faults
tutorial faults
2004-06-23, 12:34 PM #1
i got the gtk-1.4.0 for jedi academy lvl editing, but there are no tutorials on it for the new guy, except the build a room which has a few problems with it. it says to go to BSP menu and select vis-vlight on it, but i dont see that. please help me out

The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel.
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
2004-06-23, 1:12 PM #2
Because the tutorial is using JKradiant instead of GTKradiant (GTK is better than JKradiant).


Although the editor featured in the tutorial is JKradiant and Jedi Outcast is used many of the concepts are the same. Just get a hang of brush-based editing and usage of common entities for starters. Unless you want to me to lead you through.

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)


The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info
2004-06-23, 2:40 PM #3
yes, actually i would apreciate your help, and anyone elses who could train me in the ways of gtk editor

[This message has been edited by animajawa (edited June 25, 2004).]
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
2004-06-25, 3:30 PM #4 of the best people is Or pretty much any Q3 engine editing tutorial works...the ones here at Massassi work too.

Have you ever been philosophical? It's pretty fun.
Well don't just sit there, REPLY!!!
2004-06-25, 7:52 PM #5
lets just say im a young kid, which i happen to be, what did you just say. i think you said Q3 engine which means something. someone please help. my brain hurts. science isnt like this. im going to sleep.

The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
2004-06-26, 4:06 AM #6
Hey, lots of people here are "youngs kids" least I think so...
The game Quake 3 runs a certain way. It has a certain set of rules that every level of the game obeys-physics, guns, lighting, etc. Things comparable to variables in the levels, skins, etc. allow for a wide variety of games to be run off of the Q3 engine. Jedi Outcast and Jedi Acadamy run off modified Quake 3: Team Arena engines.
The brush/entity system in each Q3 game is the same; though some entities change from game to game, the basic structure of the game is the same. Therefore, most any tutorial on the Q3 engine will work for Jedi Acadamy.

Anyway, on your original problem-
See in the BSP menu how it has things that say BSP(final) and BSP(test)? Those notes in parentheses give you how that particular BSP command is intended to be used. If you go to File>Project Settings, you can change the stuff displayed on the BSP menu, and even add new commands. Yeah, do from the beginning, and use one of the BSP(test) commands until you have the final version of the map ready.

Have you ever been philosophical? It's pretty fun.
Well don't just sit there, REPLY!!!
2004-06-26, 8:42 AM #7
wow, thanks. that does help. sorry for being so ignorant.

The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
2004-06-26, 9:38 AM #8
im doing the tutorials, but that part, and i will paste it for you-Now up in the BSP menu, choose "BSP FullVis." A DOS windows will pop up. Don't worry if it sits there for a while - even a basic room like this may take up to two minutes depending on what kind of system you have.-confuses me. what BSP FullVis? i added the menu text, but about that second thing with adding a bsp command, the command, what do type in there?

Added:I used BSP final vlight and stuff, the one without the bounce 8. it says it made it into a bsp in the status bar, but it wont load. i do Shift+`(which is also ~) and type in \devmapall firstroom, yet it says that it doesnt read it, then i do \devmapall mp/firstroomand it still doesnt read it, please help.
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.

[This message has been edited by animajawa (edited June 26, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by animajawa (edited June 26, 2004).]
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
2004-06-26, 4:31 PM #9
Do map firstroom in console.

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)


The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info
2004-06-27, 10:15 AM #10
you mean like \devmapall map firstroom or just \map firstroom? sorry if im a bit annoying

The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
2004-06-27, 10:38 AM #11
i did both ways, am i supposed to move my .bsp file somewhere, please help, what am i supposed to do?

[This message has been edited by animajawa (edited June 27, 2004).]
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
2004-06-28, 7:13 AM #12
ok, today i just realized, i have been doing this for single player, so i load up sigle player mode and its not working, single player mode wont load for me, then i uninstall it and re-install it, but no go, now my question is, how can i get my single player map that i have been doing in the rich diesal tutorial, to be in multiplayer, maybe free for all or duel?
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
2004-06-28, 10:43 AM #13
1- Use proper grammar please.

2- A map, if it doesn't hold too many entities, should work in MP and SP in the same way. You can open a MP map in SP.

Did you type exactly what I suggested in the SP console?

map firstroom (if your level is named firstroom)

You should make sure the editor is making a .bsp file. Go into Gamedata/base/maps to look for the .bsp

For example, if your level name is firstroom, look for firstroom.bsp in the maps folder.

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)


The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info
2004-06-28, 12:33 PM #14
sorry about the grammer thing, i was in a rush, in Gamedate/base/maps there is firstroom.bsp and alot of others like .map and .pkt and .bak, i typed in \map firstroom in the console on multiplayer mode, and then, just for good measure, i typed in \devmapall firstroom, but no go, there are no errors that come up when i compose with the test one and final bsp option. i wish it would work. :`(

ADDED:i just tried doing it and then i tried to load my general concepts exam level that was one of the assignments on richdiesals site, but it says there is no map maps/101exam.bsp, i named it 101 exam.
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.

[This message has been edited by animajawa (edited June 28, 2004).]
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
2004-06-28, 1:39 PM #15
Does the game say it can not find the firstroom.bsp or does an error come up?

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)


The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info

[This message has been edited by Echoman (edited June 28, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by Echoman (edited June 28, 2004).]
2004-06-28, 2:01 PM #16
it says it cant find the map for both 101exam.bsp and firstroom.bsp

The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.

[This message has been edited by animajawa (edited June 28, 2004).]
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
2004-06-28, 2:15 PM #17
Sorry. But I need to get some things straight.

1. Did you, in the editor, name and save your map as "firstroom" ? Are you sure the BSP compiler created the .bsp without problem.

2. Did you, in the SP console, type map firstroom without the / ?

3. Are you sure in your /maps folder, there is firstroom.bsp ?

4. Are you sure the SP console said it couldn't find it? (make sure you are going the SP console on the title screen.)

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)


The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info

[This message has been edited by Echoman (edited June 28, 2004).]
2004-06-28, 2:22 PM #18
in response to your questions, 1 and 3 are correc, everything is there, but 2 and 4, single player mode wont load for me and i have already installed and uninstalled it twice. so i instead loaded firstroom in multiplayer config mode and put in the start and compiled, and 101exam, i did all of it in multiplayer andi inserted the start that the tutorial says for me to, do i need to put another start instead? i compiled it also.

The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
2004-06-28, 2:41 PM #19
What is 101exam???

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)


The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info
2004-06-28, 2:54 PM #20
at the end of rich diesals 101 tutorials, theres a map you should make to see if you know everything, he gives you guidelines and everything, so that map i named 101exam, 101 for the 'course' i was doing and exam because it was sorta like one.
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
2004-06-30, 6:59 PM #21
good news and bad news, jedi academy single player works, but when i type map firstroom or map 101exam, nothing happens. do i have to do anything to make it work?

The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
2004-07-01, 11:55 AM #22
Here is my suggestion, when you are in GTK, press "p" to go into prefrences. Then goto "BSP Monitoring" and check the "Run engine after compile". Then try BSPing again. The game should start up and automatically load the map.

Jedi rocks rule the house...
Jedi rocks rule the house...
2004-07-01, 4:54 PM #23
yes, it works. it also lets me fix a few problems that i could never have known about till i played it. it works, thank you so much, thank you all for your help.

The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
2004-07-02, 7:12 PM #24
Ok people serious problem but probably just some type of error on my part...physical or mental....ok...i got gtkradiant 1.4 and for some reason i have yet to find a way to insert NPC's on my map!..i can add other entities just not the npcz...need a lil help if available..thanx!

"Let them come!"
"Let them come!"
2004-07-03, 7:58 AM #25
right click on the left panel of gtk inside your room, a little menu should pop-up. go down to npc and choose the npc you want, it will insert it into your room automatically.

The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
2004-07-03, 9:46 AM #26
i knew that but see thats the problem...there is no npc listed... it skips it ...i duno wut itz problem iz []


"Let them come!"
"Let them come!"
2004-07-03, 9:49 AM #27
ok man nevermind it was some kinda glitch cuz before when i did it it went from misc to object and skipped the npc option but now it works so yea...thanx bro l8r...

"Let them come!"
"Let them come!"
2004-07-03, 9:54 AM #28
ok i'm gonna bug u guyz for 1 more do i load my custom npcs on my map...will it appear under npc or do i have to put it in a certain file... thanx l8r

"Let them come!"
"Let them come!"
2004-07-03, 3:14 PM #29
just a logical guess here, but if you have it in your base folder, shouldnt it read it? if not, i dont know.

The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
The mind of a scientist, eyes of an artist, ears of an elf, words of a poet, nose of a chef, lips of a lover, tongue of a rebel, and horamones of a sex machine.
2004-07-03, 4:04 PM #30
na i just get a list of the game npcs not the custom ones....sux but o well i'll try to find more help []

"Let them come!"
"Let them come!"

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