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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Two questions - Light flares and elevators
Two questions - Light flares and elevators
2004-07-06, 6:47 AM #1
Ok, My map has two sets of elevators, each indepentant from the other.

The first list gets you from the first floor to the second floor, the second one takes you from the second floor to the landing platform on the roof.

Problem is, func_plat and height only makes the lift move when you step on it, which would work... but if you want to get up and down without damage...

How do you make elevtors that work with a model? I'm using f_con from the factory folder as the switch you need to press to get the lift.

I tried the tuoral on massassi but it did not help. the lift was not there and when you hit the button to call it, it came from the ground, and when you steped on it, it took you down into the void outside my map.

So how do you get an evelator that has a call switch at the top and bottom and that uses a console as the button and now a brush on the wall.
second, my landing platform needs som funky lights on the edges, It was brough to my attention about the flares folder... how do I make light post with lights that flare similar to the pics below?


Inter arma silent leges
The Gas Station
2004-07-07, 8:22 AM #2

Inter arma silent leges
The Gas Station
2004-07-07, 9:01 AM #3
just a quick reply to the flare. you need to use a nodraw shader on all sides but one, which would have the flare shader. the size of your brush will be the size of the flare. gotta run for now, so i can't go into detail on the second part.

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2004-07-07, 1:11 PM #4
I don't quite understand

Inter arma silent leges
The Gas Station
2004-07-07, 11:32 PM #5
Draw a flat brush (really flat, with grid setting 2 for example, if not 1) with system/nodraw shader selected. The center of this flat brush is the center of the flare. Then select your flare shader (your own, or a Raven one. Needless to say, these are very easy to make). Texture one flat side of the brush with the flare shader - and voila! There you are.

Of course you might check that your flare shader has the cull twosided enabled - if it's not, you need to texture both the flat sides. However, this will double your flare intensity when looked at exactly 90 degrees angle (in game), because then the game draws both flares. So, cull twosided is recommended.

Frozen by ICARUS
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2004-07-08, 12:30 AM #6
So you'd place that in the middle of the actual light post and with a brush that has a transparent texture to let the flare show throguh?

what about lifts?

i want a lift like the ones in the hoth seige map when you need to get the droid.

Inter arma silent leges
The Gas Station
2004-07-08, 4:00 AM #7
I script all my lifts and elevators. That's because I like scripting and on the other hand, it grants me absolute control.

If you want to try the scripting way, you will find many forum threads explaining it at least at LucasForums, maybe also here.

Frozen by ICARUS
Frozen in the past by ICARUS

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