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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Mapmodels (ASE Format)
Mapmodels (ASE Format)
2004-07-19, 8:31 AM #1
Last time I asked about this, i gota great tutorial. This time, i'm asking for help understanding it [].

I understand the whole concept of building the brush-work and then either encasing it in a block of Caulk with a playerspawn inside, or making an exact replica, and then texturing the replica in clip. What i don't understand, is how to do the compiling phase of the project.

How do i set up the command lines for compiling the .map, and then converting the .bsp?

"Iraqniphobia - The fear of non-existant weapons of mass-destruction."
50000 episodes of badmouthing and screaming like a constipated goat cant be wrong. - Mr. Stafford
2004-07-22, 10:34 AM #2
Come on! Somebody here must be able to help me!

"Iraqniphobia - The fear of non-existant weapons of mass-destruction."
50000 episodes of badmouthing and screaming like a constipated goat cant be wrong. - Mr. Stafford
2004-07-22, 1:50 PM #3
Well, from what I hear you have to compile from a batch file. I'll do some research on this whole ASE thing, and get back to you. If you could, post a link to the tutorial you used.

"Whats your name"
"No, whats your real name"
Proud member of the Co-op
Flipsides crackers are the best crackers to have ever existed
2004-07-23, 6:40 AM #4
Thanx for replying Arkon11. GothicX gave me this tutorial just over a month ago.

"Iraqniphobia - The fear of non-existant weapons of mass-destruction."
50000 episodes of badmouthing and screaming like a constipated goat cant be wrong. - Mr. Stafford
2004-07-23, 7:35 AM #5
Use a batch file for that compile line. I've posted a lot of info on those a while back.
2004-07-23, 8:20 AM #6
Here'sMy Tutorial on converting ASE models with Q3map2 toolz.
It's not exactaly aimed at what your doing so take it witha grain of salt, but it may help.

Also, if anything in that tut is unclear, wrong or whatever, feel free to email me and I'll try to fix or clarify what ever I can.

On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."

Grace is the Pleasure of God to magnify the Worth of God by
enabling sinners to delight in God without compromising the Glory of God.
-J. Piper
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
2004-07-23, 2:16 PM #7
See, my problem with the Q3map Toolz, is that there are no options for JA (SP or MP). Would those options under JO work anyway?

[*edit: gothicX, could you please set up a link to that batch-file method of yours? I can't seem to find it of the forums. thanx.]
"Iraqniphobia - The fear of non-existant weapons of mass-destruction."

[This message has been edited by Forsakahn (edited July 23, 2004).]
50000 episodes of badmouthing and screaming like a constipated goat cant be wrong. - Mr. Stafford
2004-07-23, 3:36 PM #8
here forsaken, here's a link to gothixs batch file thing.

"Whats your name"
"No, whats your real name"
Proud member of the Co-op
Flipsides crackers are the best crackers to have ever existed
2004-07-24, 2:54 PM #9
Thanx for your help in sorting out the Batch file mess everyone. Now I need help with the next phase: I want to convert my .ase into a .md3, and the link to 3Dexploerer at djwguitarman's site doesn't work. I need a new file converter, and 3DS Max 6 doesn't read .ase files. Any suguested programs/where to download them?

"Iraqniphobia - The fear of non-existant weapons of mass-destruction."
50000 episodes of badmouthing and screaming like a constipated goat cant be wrong. - Mr. Stafford
2004-07-26, 1:39 PM #10
The 3d explorer link works for me.

Here's where I got the link. See if that works.

On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."

Grace is the Pleasure of God to magnify the Worth of God by
enabling sinners to delight in God without compromising the Glory of God.
-J. Piper
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."

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