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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Multiplayer?
2004-07-27, 2:15 PM #1
Hey, first of all, I would just like to say hello. This is my first day here at

Ok, here is my question. I am just getting started with JK2Radiant, and I think I already have the basic concept down. Is there anything I need to do differently to create a multiplayer level?


"No Wolf ever won a battle by dying for his Clan. He won battles by making a Jade Falcon Freebirth die for his!"
- Graffiti on dropship Iron Wolf, unclaimed
2004-07-27, 8:51 PM #2
Hi! Welcome to massassi! So your getting started huh? The first thing I suggest to do is switch to GTKradiant. This is a better map creator and it gets updated frequently. I used to like JK2 but GTK has way more power. You can get it at .

Now for multiplayer you need to switch to multiplayer editing mode by going to file>project settings. Once you have done that restart and you are in MP mapping mode. Also with different types of editing are different types of maps. You need to make a .arena file for the game to figure out what kind of map it is. Also you need a target_intermission (at least i think thats what it is) entity so the game can have a camera view when you start out. You also have different spawn types for differetn game types. Basic FFA is info_player_deathmatch for example.

You can learn all more about this at
it is a JK2radiant based site but it will work for GTK as well.

Anyway get comfortable with massassi. We are all a bunch of happy computer geeks and we all like to have a little fun. And if you ever need any help feel free to e-mail me.


Its peanut butter jelly time!
My Personal Site | Remnant Temple Part A | A work in progress
I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue
2004-07-28, 3:09 PM #3
That is a considerably big cdownload compared to JK2radiant. Well, I may as well ask, is there anything I need to do manually, such as replace anything, or put it in a certain directory, or something? Right now it is still downloading, but the docs on the website I am going from were pretty vague.


"No Wolf ever won a battle by dying for his Clan. He won battles by making a Jade Falcon Freebirth die for his!"
- Graffiti on dropship Iron Wolf, unclaimed
2004-07-28, 3:17 PM #4
If you are downloading the right Jedi Outcast files for GTK, it should be around the size as JKradiant.

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The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info
2004-07-28, 4:12 PM #5
I see. I was looking at the entire install app. The actual installed files are about 21 MB. Also, my questions were answered during the installation process.
I feel at home with this program. Thanks for all the help, and for the warm welcome to I hope to have a pleasant stay here.


"No Wolf ever won a battle by dying for his Clan. He won battles by making a Jade Falcon Freebirth die for his!"
- Graffiti on dropship Iron Wolf, unclaimed
2004-07-29, 4:10 AM #6
well, I would suggest you export the models and textures/shaders from the assets*, to your base folder.

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