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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Please help, can't post level properly if my life depended on it!!@ PK3 Help!
Please help, can't post level properly if my life depended on it!!@ PK3 Help!
2004-08-06, 10:31 AM #1
I submitted my first level on tuesday but I don't think I've done it properly cause they would have posted it by now right? I tried to follow Pommy's tut to the tee but I probably don't know enought about pk3 files.

I submitted everything (I think). But I don't know much about .pk3s. When I download a map I always have to use pakscape to extract the bsp. It never works when I put the pk3 file in my "base" folder.

Does my pk3 file have to have the same name as the bsp file? And can it not have a root directory?: pots/levelshots

Or should it just go like this?


"Im not scared Master Yoda." "You will be."
2004-08-06, 1:36 PM #2
Well, because you don't see your level is posted, doesn't mean the level was discarded due to errors. Level with great errors get posted many times. The Admins need to take the time and submit the level. :/

Didn't you test the .pk3 before senting it off?? Even beta-test it?

The .pk3 can be just placed in the /base file to work. You don't need to unzip that file.

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)


The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info (or something of this matter. Just smile.)
2004-08-07, 9:08 AM #3
another way is just to unzip the pk3 files of the original Jedi Academy assets and look where all the stuff is placed...Witch folders, where, subfolders etc.

"007...Whats your name"
"The name is bond...James Bond"
"No, i mean your other codename"
"Dont tell this any further. Its need help"
2004-08-08, 1:33 PM #4
Ignore that tutorial.

Create a new folder on your desktop. In that folder create 6 (do not create them within each other; you should be looking at 6 folders in this new directory) new folders and name them maps, textures, shaders, levelshots, scripts, botroutes.

You .bsp file goes in the maps folder, textures in the textures folder, shaders for the textures in the shaders folder, .arena file (and any script files you might have) in the scripts folder, and bot routes obviously go in the botroutes folder.

Multi-select all 6 folders after you have placed all your files in them, and add them to a .zip. Do NOT zip the main folder you put all the directories in. Rename the file extension to .pk3.

It's a bit long-winded, but it's an easy way to understand how a .pk3 works.

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