I knowing how to set the right lighting.. Am stumped.. I been fooling around with a small corridor.. Trying to use fog textures to give a feild of glow.. Any suggestions what fog textures look best? It will be apart of not.. Just experimenting..
-- [url="mailto:Jatso_jk1@hotmail.com"]mailto:Jatso_jk1@hotmail.com[/url]Jatso_jk1@hotmail.com</A>--The Bounty Hunters Arc Forum--Firehound Inc.--
-- [url="mailto:Jatso_jk1@hotmail.com"]mailto:Jatso_jk1@hotmail.com[/url]Jatso_jk1@hotmail.com</A>--The Bounty Hunters Arc Forum--Firehound Inc.--