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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Yea. I need help again...
Yea. I need help again...
2004-09-06, 6:52 PM #1
Anyone know what type of script can set stormtroopers against each other and make them completely ignore the player? Im doing something interesting in one of my levels...
I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue
2004-09-07, 1:56 AM #2
Team_enemy normally handles shooting buddies better than team_player, so in that sense you are lucky. You might just try set_enemy("targetname"). In theory, it should be enough. However, you should also realise that once either of the two STs kills the other, he will likely turn his attention to player. So, it might be worthwhile to set them neutral (unless you want them to start shooting player once their internal quarrel is over). Or if it better suits your purpose, you can, of course, set the team of either of the faction to team_player, which will easily solve the issue.

But having two large team_enemy groups fight with each other is difficult, because JA does not allow other groups that _player, _neutral, and _enemy. No subgroups.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2004-09-07, 7:15 AM #3
Woah :eek:. Well i tried the set enemy targetname script but that no worky. The first time i added two scripts called killstumpy and killjack that had the set enemy commands in the scripts. The ST's targetnames were NPC_targetname for key and for the value they were stumpy/jack. They didnt attack each other. Then i tried instead of NPC_targetname just regular targetname and they didnt even appear. I don't know. But im kind of confused on some of the stuff you are saying lassev. :)

Ill try it later but im at school now. We'll see how it works out oh great scripting master.

I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue

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