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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Hmmm... Scripting? (My kinda SP cinematic idea)
Hmmm... Scripting? (My kinda SP cinematic idea)
2004-10-19, 7:54 PM #1
Alrighty, I got 1/6th of the mapping portion done. And yeah this is to my SP story of the Jedi struggleing between paths. Alrighty, Heres how I am gonna setup the first cutscene. (Screenplay ideas are welcome)

Classic Starwars ROLL. -Havent gotten into the dialouge yet.-

(Scene 1)
Fade in.
A elusive figure lurking in the dark is barely seen. Walks forth revealing his presence. Another, walks through doors. Naturally in a very unsecure area.

The one who reveailed himself is a dark jedi follower. The one who walked through the door is a politician. Secretly controling a reminant army's PR for a warlord. In a sense favouring a role of a double agent. Trading secrets etc...

Camera is at a 120 degree angle looking at centre mass towards the meet point where the two figures walk towards. Another is 180, Which is near face to face. The third is over head. But uh, This is basic scripting. Then after the contracted conversation to make a hit on a Rebel general, the dark jedi exits and the politician makes a comment on his feelings.
Fade out.

Now here is where I am tying to figure out the problem for scene two.

(Scene 2)
Fade in.
Naturally knowing the area is very secured. I pounder 3 details.
1)Stealthy way in, Sneaking force trick, Silently killing.
2)Full frontal, Extract in a exploded high top entrance, Making it easier to kill your target.
3)Disguise yourself.

Now, if I were to trigger #2. How could I make FX_runner, Explodeable walls, and Probably movable brushs work properly? #1,3 are easy. Just the only thing I am vauge on in scripting is making FX, Exploding brush's/objects, and Moveable brush's/objects work right with Behaved. Like the Tattoine mission in the JA SP when you meet up with chewy. How you follow along side the rocket and it blows up the door creating a barrier. In scripting how was that done? Anywho, thats my idea for now.
-- Bounty Hunters Arc Forum--Firehound Inc.--
2004-10-20, 2:40 AM #2
Originally posted by SilentSavur
Like the Tattoine mission in the JA SP when you meet up with chewy. How you follow along side the rocket and it blows up the door creating a barrier. In scripting how was that done? Anywho, thats my idea for now.

How was it done, eh? Let's say it's pretty complicated but should be nothing impossible. No doubt it requires numerous times of adjustment, but such is mapping'n'scripting.

Have a look at scripts/t1_sour/midgame02.txt

That's the script you are looking for. The relevant parts are in the end of the script.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2004-10-20, 9:45 AM #3
affect ( "rocket_crate_dan", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )
set( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_INVINCIBLE", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "false" );

If I made a "wall" entity would this way work?

 rem ( "remove the func_wall protecting the crate -- This can be safely removed once the new map is out" );
		use ( "crateProtector" );

I understand the rocket model and all. Just these two seem alittle wee intresting. If your thinking what I may be thinking, Could it be done?

In short, Have one object invisable. Wait, Signal, the "use" function to make the brush reappear without it being shown or have FX in use to make due some sort of distraction.

Plus what about moveable brush's? Like a drawl bridge or a door? Done through scripting. Not mapping. To physically move or a representation of a mechanical movement to show somewhat enginieering of a useable function. Thats all for now. And thanks for the info lassev!
-- Bounty Hunters Arc Forum--Firehound Inc.--
2004-10-20, 3:11 PM #4
Arg, to explain my idea.. I will make a mini diagram in JA.. Like a mini version of how I want it to work right.. Meh.. I will find a acceptable file host.. Or, find a way around my rugged Windows XP comp to host my own over a router.. With whatchamacallits.. Hubs.. They were easier to use.. Routers are a pain!
-- Bounty Hunters Arc Forum--Firehound Inc.--
2004-10-21, 2:12 AM #5
I don't want to be rude (yeah, sure) but I don't really follow what you are saying or meaning... Or if you have any questions left.

Just keep in mind that cinematics are very forgiving parts of your level. They are like movies; nothing needs to be what it seems to be, it's enough it looks like what you are trying to say, everything else is irrelevant. Don't try to make things more complicated than needed. Most of the things in mapping and scripting are not complicated once you know a few tricks.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS

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