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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → lots of quistions
lots of quistions
2004-10-31, 3:13 AM #1
Shader quistions

1. How do you add that skylight again:rolleyes:???

Scripting quistions (yes, again)

1. How do you let a NPC do a emote (like shaking his head, meditate and stuff)
2. How do you add text on the screen (center)
3. How do you add subtitles to a text

General quistion

Is it good if i add:

to my credits, because they got my into mapping and they teached me anything about it.
2004-10-31, 5:43 AM #2
On the light of skybox question, check out this tutorial:

1- Check out the animation section of the ICARUS manual (under Animation Data). There are SET_ANIM_UPPER, SET_ANIM_LOWER, SET_ANIM_BOTH and so on that can be used (I believe). Find the "anims" text file in the "SourceForBehavED" where BehavED is located for the animation list for players.

2- There is a target_print entity in GTK. Try that out.

3-I'm not sure on this because I haven't tried the subtitle system yet. :/
2004-10-31, 5:44 AM #3
1.Q3map_skyLight and q3map_sunExt. Check the Shader Manual.


2. print ( "!Hello world" );

3. [click]

Oh, and the name's GothiX. (Still waiting for that name change.. Guh. *pokes Brian*)
2004-11-01, 2:03 PM #4
I really should make a point to learn scripting. I'm trying to learn some real-world skills though, like flash. Mabey I'll try with scripting next summer.
Flipsides crackers are the best crackers to have ever existed
2004-11-01, 6:48 PM #5
Its actually not that hard. Not as hard as learning to code C++ or that sort.
2004-11-02, 5:29 AM #6
3. The short version of the subtitle thing:
Originally posted by some dumb n00b
And it IS easy, believe me. You just fill your own string (.str) file under the correct folder structure (strings/english). Name your file after the bsp file. The entries for each subtitle line are the same as the sound file names. Write them all in capitals. Then, when you use the channel_voice in your script, the game will automatically check for a subtitle string sharing the name of the bsp, and if it finds one, it will search then for the name of the sound file it's playing in that str file. If it finds it, it will print it on screen. So, basically you don't have to do anything but just write that subtitle file. It couldn't be easier. There are NO separate script commands you would need to use to have the subtitles. It's automatic

2. Here you actually have also some funny options:
You can use the commands:
set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_CENTERTEXT", "@bspname_entryname" );

Now, you can choose the colour of the text, unlike with any other commands, and you can have the texts conveniently in the subtitle file. Like in Syndicate, I have in the subtitle file entries:
LANG_ENGLISH        "Serpent Code Productions Presents"

LANG_ENGLISH        "Syndicate: Initiation"


So, the script commands were in my case:
wait ( 3000.000 );
print ( "Syndicate:Initiation" );

Now, pay attention: You see there the print commands, but since they are missing the exclamation marks, they WON'T print anything. They are there just to remind what is being printed, when reading the script.

Those were shown in the beginning of the level (after player control was granted) as actor credits. Obviously, this even allows you to have the same script to run language localized text printings ;)

1. This doesn't really need much advice. Use ModView to check the animations. Have a look at any Raven cinematic script to see how the actual scripting is done. It's a piece of cake. You can also include one of the level specific animation files (gla) in your level (use the override gla option in ModView/Edit to check them out). You just need to follow the Raven example and create a new folder under the playermodels, named after your level. And copy of the custom glas there, and rename it after your level. You'll understand if you have a look at the files over there.

EDIT: Remember, you cannot print anything on screen during cinematics (camera mode enabled). The only text printed is the automatic subtitle text. Print command or the set_centertext I posted won't work.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2004-11-02, 1:01 PM #7
You should write a tutorial. :)
2004-11-02, 2:05 PM #8
hehe, actually I tried learning to code C++ and found it a bit easier than scripting. Mabey it's matter of personal preference.
Flipsides crackers are the best crackers to have ever existed
2004-11-02, 4:17 PM #9
Originally posted by Echoman
You should write a tutorial. :)

Doesn't really seem like something worth a tutorial.

The only tutorial I might (anymore) want to write is how to build a seven-floor scripted elevator that would work like a RL elevator, more or less. And that's only because I'm not entirely sure how to build one, but the concept is very fascinating...

But I guess there ain't much demand for such a tutorial :rolleyes:
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2004-11-04, 11:58 AM #10
Im still going to bore you with more of my nOObish quistions. I finally understand the whole cutscene subtitle thingy...But now i got some of those random quistions, that needs to bo awnserd.

Where is a hint brush for??? i have seen it in some levels but i dont know what it needs to do.

And lately, i am trying to make cutscene with people that walk. But my NPC's just dissapear, it does exist in the map somehow (i can see it in the cheat window with: "npc kill all"). And all the other npc's that wont walk do stand on there place, but that stupid saboteur just wont exist and walk
2004-11-06, 7:12 AM #11

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