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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → can someone please have a look at this script...
can someone please have a look at this script...
2004-11-13, 2:21 AM #1
i thought i did know a lot about scripting, at least the neccaseary stuff, but i dont. And it will move to the second camera. But then it stops somehow.

//Generated by BehavEd

rem ( "starting cutscene" );
camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ MOVE, $tag( "cam1", ORIGIN)$, 0 );
camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PAN, $tag( "cam1", ANGLES)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 0 );
wait ( 1000.000 );
camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ MOVE, $tag( "cam2", ORIGIN)$, 5000 );
camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PAN, $tag( "cam2", ANGLES)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 0 );
wait ( 1000.000 );

affect ( "Altar_reborn_w", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "true" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "true" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "false" );
	wait ( 1000.000 );
	set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_NAVGOAL", "altar_reborn_w_1" );
	wait ( 1000.000 );
	set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_NAVGOAL", "altar_reborn_w_2" );
	wait ( 1000.000 );
	waitsignal ( "hands_up" );
	wait ( 2000.000 );
	waitsignal ( "end" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_CHASE_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "false" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "false" );
	set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ENEMY", "player" );

affect ( "Altar_reborn_e", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "true" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "true" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "false" );
	wait ( 1000.000 );
	set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_NAVGOAL", "altar_reborn_e_1" );
	wait ( 1000.000 );
	set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_NAVGOAL", "altar_reborn_e_2" );
	wait ( 1000.000 );
	signal ( "hands_up" );
	wait ( 2000.000 );
	waitsignal ( "end" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_CHASE_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "false" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "false" );
	set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ENEMY", "player" );

affect ( "altar_reborn_boss", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )
	waitsignal ( "hands_up" );
	wait ( 2000.000 );
	set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", 1000 );
	set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", 1000 );
	set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", 4000 );
	set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", 1000 );
	kill ( "altar_reborn_n" );
	kill ( "altar_reborn_e" );
	kill ( "altar_reborn_w" );
	signal ( "end" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_CHASE_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "false" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "false" );
	set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ENEMY", "player" );

affect ( "altar_reborn_n", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )
	waitsignal ( "hands_up" );
	wait ( 2000.000 );
	waitsignal ( "end" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_CHASE_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "false" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" );
	set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "false" );
	set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ENEMY", "player" );

wait ( 1000.000 );
waitsignal ( "end" );
2004-11-14, 4:03 AM #2
I myself always to different scripts for camera movement and for scripts affecting something like units and objects. Make seperate scripts, one for camera and one for the other things happening.
There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2004-11-14, 7:15 AM #3
Originally posted by Heke7
I myself always to different scripts for camera movement and for scripts affecting something like units and objects. Make seperate scripts, one for camera and one for the other things happening.

Wow, even Raven didn't go that far. They grouped the camera commands in the end of the script, but still kept them in the same script.

Yeah. I don't immediately spot what might be your problem. I don't like those predefined command groups you have there but I guess they work, since Raven might have used them. All I can say, after a brief look, is that pay attention to the names - I'm not 100% sure if it matters if you use capital for the first letter or not, but I wouldn't count on the compatibility... And considering animations, the commands don't reserve any time, so you can't put them one after another like you have, without any waits in between. Now only the last one will be played. And I don't think 1 second is enough to move from one navgoal to the next. 1 second is hardly enough to take the first step (or are they jumping).
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2004-11-14, 10:12 PM #4
I myself didn't get any cinematic scripts working if I put both to the same script. What happened was the same as here that the cinematic stoped to one camera and didn't go any further with the script. It only worked If I seperated the scripts, but then, it can be that I just had made something totally wrong with the script.
There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2004-11-15, 1:54 AM #5
Well, it's a good question. I know Mercenary had problems, when he tried to have the camera commands inside affects. I, however, being the scripting wizard that I am ( :p ), have camera commands in the same script and inside affects, mixed among the other commands, and they never give me any troubles.

But since Need Help doesn't post here any updates, I reason he either solved the issue or dropped the whole thing.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2004-11-15, 11:08 AM #6
Well, yeah, i got it to work...But i still have some problems with animations. I cant get them to work...And lassev, your advise really worked out well. Because i was allways lazy and if something didnt worked, my second step was massassi, but know, i even have gotten my func_statics to work :D
2004-11-15, 11:18 AM #7
Originally posted by need help
Because i was allways lazy and if something didnt worked, my second step was massassi...

Well, I guess that's better way than mine... When something fails to work, I curse (well in my mind if not aloud), hit the table with my fists, and after my fists can't take it anymore, I resort to biting the table (fortunately it's an old, cheap and crappy table). And after my jaws can't take it anymore, my last option is to go to forums and announce SP mapping is dead. And I have reached the last option many times ;)
Frozen in the past by ICARUS

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