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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Player stand still?
Player stand still?
2004-12-30, 7:00 AM #1
How can I get the player (in SP) to stand still but be able to look around?
2004-12-30, 1:55 PM #2

More info please?
2004-12-31, 2:01 AM #3
Like when Kyle in Jedi Outcast talks to a prisioner (not in a cinematic). You cant move Kyle but you can make him turn around.
This is for Jedi Academy by the way.
2004-12-31, 5:51 AM #4
Make a trigger_once and give it a wait time of one or something, target the trigger_once at a target_scriptrunner and give the scriptrunner the key: "usescript" and the value: "NAMEFORSCRIPT".

Start BehaveEd and make a new script. first add the line:
affect ( "NONE", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )

What this line actualy does is saying that the script needs to affect a certain entity, because it needs to affect the player, change it into
affect ( "PLAYER", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )

so it will affect the player

then drop a 'SET statement' on the 'Affect line', it will get into the 'affect player' so the statement will affect the player.
Change the statement into
set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_PLAYER_LOCKED", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );

Set player looked (look at the discription) says that the player cant move...this says nothing about looking.

Then add a wait command with a specific value...mine is for example:
wait ( 12000.000 );

This line says that the script need to wait 12000 miliseconds to continu the script (thats 12 seconds).

Then clone the line:

and place it under the wait command...but now, change true to false so it will look like this:
( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_PLAYER_LOCKED", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "false" );

What the script does now is:
1. make certain it affects the player
2. Lock the player from mooving
3. wait 12 seconds
4. Let the player move again
2004-12-31, 7:20 AM #5
hehehe, so need help, you can script. My expectations of your work rise every day,
Flipsides crackers are the best crackers to have ever existed
2004-12-31, 9:51 AM #6
Yes it worked! thanks

Just one more little thing, i need a custom sound to be activated when the player touches the trigger brush, how can this be done?
2004-12-31, 5:14 PM #7
A trigger brush to a target_speaker I assume.
2005-01-01, 3:15 AM #8
Thankyou 4 that amazinging detailed reply, anyone else?
2005-01-01, 4:19 AM #9
Study the Raven example maps shipped with GTK. You don't want to ask every simple thing here. It's too slow a way to learn things like this. Trust me. I never did it - for a reason.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-01-01, 7:46 AM #10
I didnt even realise that raven put some of their maps with radiant, damn! cause they r so useful.
Thanks for saying that lassev, thats helped me more than anything.
2005-01-01, 11:20 AM #11
and you can always *cough* decompile *cough*, them. BUT NEVER STEAL ANYTHING OF THERE WORK!

BTW. like everyboody, nobody likes to learn scripting. Just start with a little (cutscene's), and go on to difficult things (moving brushes, big cutscene's)
2005-01-03, 6:55 AM #12
For an honest way of doing things instead of need helps little way :p: you can always just ask the creators.

At least 3 raven software memebers reply on those forums. They can help you out.
I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue
2005-01-03, 9:58 AM #13
oooh cheers now this looks good:p

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