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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Question!
2005-03-02, 7:00 AM #1
As you might have noticed, I am a JK editor... Also, as you might have noticed, I would like to pursue my editing carreer as a profession... Therefore, I will buy JA and JO, for JK editing is useless to be accepted in a company. I already know that the JO/JA Building tool, is quite differant to JED (positive space) but I shall learn it fast like I learned to edit with JED. My question: I am presently learning C/C++, in order to know cog... In JO/JA what type of file is controlling the interactive aspects of the game? And is the language based on C/C++???


- Pogo air -
2005-03-02, 7:49 AM #2
I'm not entirely sure if JA is a wise choice. Although much more modern than JK, it's still getting old, and Quake III engine isn't anymore an option for any company. If you had already mapped for JO/JA for a couple of years, it might be worth it, but learning them from scratch... I dunno.

The scripting language of JO/JA is icarus, a language developed by Raven for these particular games (and Elite Force). It has nothing to do with C, and it's very restricted and simple, quite powerless. Of course for JA MP you can mod the source, which has been released, and that would obviously be C/C++ programming.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-03-02, 8:19 AM #3
JO is great for basic mapping and scripting.
2005-03-02, 10:11 AM #4
Originally posted by Darth_biggs
JO is great for basic mapping and scripting.

Maybe mapping but hardly scripting. And just believe me, I know what I'm talking about. From very personal and extensive experience.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-03-02, 10:39 AM #5
Ok, so what would be a good game to mod? I would mod JA, but since you say JA is old...
2005-03-02, 11:06 AM #6
If you intend to have this kind of work as a profession, you should choose a recent game with an engine that is used widely now or will be soon. Doom3 (possibly), HL2. I guess there are others but I'm not very knowledgeable about current game titles, to speak the truth.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-03-02, 11:39 AM #7
Ok, but I think I'll stick with JO/JA, or maybe another Star Wars game for now. I will be a programmer. Are games based on C/C++ nowadays? Most companies demand C/C++ Mastery.
2005-03-02, 1:26 PM #8
C/C++ in JO and JA are used for coding not scripting and previously raven has only released the MP source code...I believe there is source code in JO/A SP, but we haven't gotten there yet... so if you want to do scripting then yea, stick with something recent, but if you want coding i'd say stick with JO...


and to let u guys know [url][/url] is up now, but it is still underconstruction...
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2005-03-02, 1:36 PM #9
2005-03-02, 2:04 PM #10
Originally posted by Manslayer101
...and previously raven has only released the MP source code...I believe there is source code in JO/A SP, but we haven't gotten there yet...

Unfortunately that's hardly true (or there being source code is of course true, but its release is not). This is a quote from John Carmack concerning Quake 3 source code release to the public (it was supposed to happen by the end of last year, but now it's on hold):

Previous source code releases were held up until the last commercial license of the technology shipped, but with the evolving nature of game engines today, it is a lot less clear. There are still bits of early Quake code in Half Life 2, and the remaining licensees of Q3 technology intend to continue their internal developments along similar lines, so there probably won’t be nearly as sharp a cutoff as before. I am still committed to making as much source public as I can, and I won’t wait until the titles from the latest deal have actually shipped, but it is still going to be a little while before I feel comfortable doing the release.

Originally posted by Manslayer101
so if you want to do scripting then yea, stick with something recent, but if you want coding i'd say stick with JO...

Why on earth JO? It's even more dead than JA by far, and has even more inferior technology. You aren't making much sense here.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-03-02, 2:59 PM #11
Edit HL2 if anything. OTherwise, just make your own game. Even though it'll be far inferior to a HL2 mod, it'll show what you can do on your own, and how much you're willing to learn. Modding isn't really representing what you can do, it's just what you can edit within. Editing code-wise is scripting if anything. Modeling for a mod is just adding to already base models. The only thing that's original in modding are maps, and even those might have some models in them from the original game.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-03-03, 7:46 AM #12
the reason i said that he should edit JO is it's easier to learn it...
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2005-03-03, 7:52 AM #13
Originally posted by Manslayer101
the reason i said that he should edit JO is it's easier to learn it...

Heh. If the guy is considering this kind of stuff as a career, I doubt he would choose something because it might be slightly easier.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-03-03, 8:04 AM #14
Yeah, I think I'll start modding JA later on this year, and then perhaps when I get good, I'll consider making my own game from scratch, when I'll have aquired C++ and modelling techniques.

Thanks people.

- Pogo air-
2005-03-03, 8:49 AM #15
no, but that's a good way to start, when you start something new you don't start at the hardest point, you start where it's easy, at the beginners level, anyways dude i'll be looking out for what you might make in the future ;) ...
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2005-03-03, 9:08 AM #16
What kind of job will pay you to mod games?
Game design is a profession. Game editing is more of a hobby.
2005-03-03, 9:12 AM #17
i agree that jedi outcast and academy are crappy compared to what we have now...Half life 2, Halo1 and 2(kinda old but still good...Now that HL2 is out there will be craploads of people modding it...
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2005-03-03, 2:34 PM #18
Originally posted by Manslayer101
the reason i said that he should edit JO is it's easier to learn it...

JO and JA are the exact same games, except for the fact that JA has far more of a modding community, not to mention far better resources to call upon than JO. JA is easier to edit, if you really think one is easier than the other.

Good plan Pogo, although HL2 deals with C++, while JA doesn't. (Except for the MP code, which is basically scripting since the whole thing is already done for you.) HL2 would give you more C++ experience than JA, and would allow you to do a LOT more with your code.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-03-03, 4:11 PM #19
Ok, I'll consider buying HL2, but a quick question: Could I mod Counter Strike, I think it uses the same engine as HL2. That would prove more interesting to mod...

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