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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Need some help
Need some help
2005-03-13, 5:09 PM #1
I have more then a few thing to ask so,

1: on my lvl people see missing texures and not even the same ones, like one person can't see the wall, and nother can't see the floor. Even though I'm only using the ones that come with the game..

2: I tryed using the phyisc(sp?) shader to block off the model so it seem its solid, But when I do it seems to block light too, any wnt to do this while letting light pass thourgh

3: is there are way to make hologram walls, Like you can seem them but can walk thourgh..
2005-03-14, 5:57 PM #2
1. Are you sure you are not using any weird shaders on the brushes? How are you compiling the map? Sometimes this happens if I keep GtK open for a long time without restarting the program after several compiles. I don't know why this happens.

2. Hmm.

3. You can use a caulk_nonsolid shader on the brush. You can also add nonsolid qualities to your holographic shader.

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